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October 24th, 2018   WHY?  A RATHER STUPID QUESTION           

WEDNESDAY - September 26, 2018


Greetings once again from The Association Of Jingoistic Old White Guy Xenophobic Fossil Fuel Users Of West Texas




Doesn't it strike you as a bit unusual that while the story and accusations of Christine Blasey Ford start to fall apart that suddenly we have another accuser, Deborah Ramirez, has come forth and accused Brett Kavanaugh of exposing himself to her at a party when Judge Kavanaugh was a Freshman at Yale.  Let's see now:  Christine Blasey Ford's accusation allegedly occurred 36 years ago and Deborah Ramirez's  accusation allegedly occurred a bit more recent... 35 years ago.

Boy, both these squacks got right on top of getting this information out didn't they.

Now we have to listen to people like Mazie Hirono and  Kirsten Gillibrand  and Kamala Harris  and Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer ask this question:

"If  the  event didn't happen,   WHY would she put herself through all of this?"

When I hear these learned folk ask this RATHER  STUPID  QUESTION, I have to wonder if everyone in their families is as butt ignorant as they appear to be?


This whole fiasco is  nothing more than an attempt to scare the crap out of an already frightened group of Republican Senators into holding off on a confirmation vote until after the Mid-Term Elections at which time the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists are convinced that they are going to take control of The House and The Senate.


Let's get back to the RATHER STUPID QUESTION of "WHY?"


And let's take it back to the very first day of the Senate Confirmation Hearings on Judge Kavanaugh.  From the starting gun,  Senator Grassley (R-IA)  allowed  the people testifying at the hearing to be interrupted by loud demonstrators in the audience.  Although on the second day,  the screaming demonstrators were removed fairly rapidly by security,  I believe that had Grassley done the right thing, he would have closed the hearing chamber to the public in order to expedite the procedure.  BUT  Senator Grassley basically showed his weak resolve when he did not shut it down immediately.  I am not advocating closing the hearings as the television and other media vermin would still have been allowed in order to make the hearings public.


The same group of idiots were wondering WHY these demonstrators were so vocal unless they had a real  reason to interrupt the hearings.


Now let us address what I believe the real reasons were not only for the demonstrations but for these alleged complaints to even be given any credence at such a late stage of the confirmation process:   The question is WHY would Blasey-Ford or this Ramirez heifer come forth to allege sexual harassment by Brett Kavanaugh after 36 and 35 years respectively, if the allegations were not true?   The answer is rather simple.... I SUBMIT  THAT  BOTH  EITHER HAVE  ALREADY  RECEIVE  OR  HAVE  BEEN PROMISED  MONEY for their accusations.  AND  I  HAVE  WATCHED  VIDEO REPORTS AND WATCHED INTERVIEWS WITH PEOPLE WHO WATCHED THE DEMONSTRATORS GET PAID CASH FOR THEIR STUPID  ACTIONS.


I am pretty sure that most of you have read numerous articles and stories about Christine Blasey Ford's connection with pro-abortion groups and pharmaceutical companies.  I am equally sure that her involvement with these particular groups is a bit more than a passing fad.   I read where Ramirez's  memory had to be  refreshed due to the fact that she was inebriated on the night of her alleged sexual assault.   She is also requesting an F.B.I. Investigation into her allegations as is Ms. Blasey-Ford.


I must tell you all at this point, that investigating a sexual assault complaint, with no physical evidence, the day after it occurred is no easy task, particularly if there are no witnesses other than the complaining witness.   Investigating such a complaint 35 years after it allegedly occurred is damn near impossible.


I am not sure of just how many sexual assault or rape cases that Diane Feinstein or Chuck Schumer or Kirsten Gillibrand or Kamala Harris  or Joe Biden have investigated, but I will bet that the number that I have investigated will dwarf all of their investigative experiences in this area combined.


What is really sad about this whole affair is that the Republicans as a whole don't have the guts to stand up and recognize just exactly what the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists are up to and put them in their proper place.


Almost every day Blasey-Ford comes up with some new demand before she will agree to testify.  Many people might want to know WHY?   And the answer to that is fairly obvious.   She is really not interested in appearing before the Judicial Committee and having to testify UNDER  OATH.


Then we hear that  her attorney has requested another extension of time before she will agree to testify in order that SHE  MAY   PREPARE to tell her story.   This brings me to believe that this is just another stall technique designed to postpone the vote until after the Mid-Term Elections which the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists are convinced that they will take control of both Houses of Congress.



And one final observation regarding this Kavanaugh affair.   I watched  part  of  an interview  conducted by FOX News in which the reporter doing the interviewing of Judge Kavanaugh and his wife was Martha MacCallum.   You could tell that Judge Kavanaugh  was  embarrassed  about having to answer  personal questions and having to have his wife go through this mess.


It is also really obvious that the RULE  OF  LAW  that the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists claim to support has been dumped in favor of  something  approaching the Salem Witch Trials.  How about bringing out the dunking stool for Judge Kavanaugh?   In case  some may not be familiar with the  trials held prior to  the adoption of our Declaration of Independence and our United States Constitution,   when  someone was accused of being  a  witch or a sorcerer, they were either burned at the stake OR tied to a seat at the end of a long pole to be submerged under water.   If you were  a  Witch,  you did not drown or burn to death.    If, on the other hand, you did burn to death OR  drown then  there had obviously been a mistake.... but of course it was too late then.  This seems to be  the  idea of justice supported by the left wing loons not only on the Judicial Committee but by Democrats/Progressives/Socialists in general.


I am not sure whether or not  either of these women will appear before the Committee  and if they do not, then there should be NOTHING to prevent Judge Kavanaugh from being approved as our next Supreme Court Justice.   If  the Senate Republicans allow the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists to get away with their character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh then our entire process of choosing and confirming Supreme Court Justices is in danger.


Perhaps these same Democrats/Progressives/Socialists will advocate bringing back the dunking stool.




Tony Aguilar,    Mary Vigil,      Joe & Ruth Lucero,   Ted Salgado,  Sandra McPeters,    Marshall Newman,  Carl and Cindy van Der Sterre,  Gene Gunderson  -NM  -  Ella Dunlop,    Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,      Maria Tupaz,  Bernice Murphy,    Judy Langham,     Liz Deguren,  Roger Tucker,       Zak Krejci,   Debra Blake,   Mary Denson,   Randy  Jones,      Don Weaver,     Sherry Welch,   Shirley Boatright,      John Palmer,   Bobby Black,  Kaylee King,     - TX -  Sr. Delphine Grigas (100+ years old) - IL -   Paul & Debby Gula,  Mike Burkebak,   Alan Miller,    Debbie McKeown, Violet  Fermin,  Carlos Fernandez,   Kate Nolan,    Gus Wenzel  - FL -    L.T. Drennan - OK -     Lynn Jones - NE -    Gladys Beasley,  Barbara Urban,    Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -   Charles Latham,  Rocky Leonard,    Bette Miller,   Sheriff Richard Mack,  Bob Schneider - AZ -   Kate Powell,  Annise Kennedy,  Sam Wittstruck,  Kenny McPeters,   Suzie Dove,   Weston Lord,    Ken Welty,   Greg Orr   -  CA -      Keith Chambers,   Nancy Chambers,   LANA Athey,   Vicki Watson - CO -      Hal Whitmore - DE -   Herb Johnston - NY -     Lonnie Shoultz,   Hap Myers - AL   -     Jim Pinney,   Carol Pinney,    James E. Brady III   - OH -  Joyce Marie Severino - GA    - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly  -TN  -  Lela  Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA -  Sister Clarice Carroll  - HAITI  -     RET. COL.  Pete Mekkelson -WVA -   CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI    Tyler Seddon  - RI -   Billie Beckman - MN,   Fr. Jose  Reyes,  Fr. Maurus Hauer  (100+ YOA) - IN     David Williams - PA  


GySgt. Daniel West,  MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice,  CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,    CAPT.  Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)    SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd,  RCT Graydon J. Phillips,  CAPT. Levi English,   GySgt. Eric Harmon,   LCPL Archer Abblitt,  Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,   MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret)  Harvey  Weigart -  2nd Lt. Zachary P. Moore  US MARINE CORPS -    Kenneth Thomas - USCG     A1 Elizabeth Chaffon,  Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,   MSgt.  Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT.  Mandie Yates  - US AIR FORCE -   Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  US NAVAL ACADEMY -    Lt. William Jourdan,  CAPT.  Robert McLay,   Lt. Russell Brown,     CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),   E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),    LT  Ethan English,   - US NAVY -   Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -    SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES  -   MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie,  Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball,  SSgt. Travis McGowan,   Michael B. Hudgens,     Scott Hillyer,   Jeff Schoonover,  CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,    LT. CLINT  LOWRANCE** - US ARMY    -  CWO3  Tim Helton and the 1/230  Air Cav Squadron TNANG  -  All of the  men and women presently serving in the United States Military,  THE  UNITED  STATES  OF  AMERICA 


John Mallory - DEA -    Gary and Cindy Hogman,   Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

**Imprisoned for doing his job and making a decision which saved the lives of his men** 




"There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public."........... BOOKER  T. WASHINGTON


"Government's power to bully people who have broken no law is dangerous to all of us."............. THOMAS  SOWELL


"Just what is it that academics have to fear if they stand up for common decency, instead of letting campus barbarians run amok?".......... THOMAS  SOWELL


"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make  a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power....  Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.   There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....   Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God.  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK  HENRY




Barack Hussein Obama,    Michelle Obama,   George Soros,    Louis Farrakhan,   Debbie Wasserman Schultz  FORMER DNC  Chairperson,   Leon Panetta,       Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg,  Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND  John Roberts,    ,   Jeff Flake (R-AZ)    Nancy Pelosi,    Diane Feinstein,   Barbara Boxer,    Hillary Clinton,   Bill Clinton,   Chuck Schumer,      Rahm Emanuel,  Valerie Jarrett,     Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,       COLIN  POWELL  ( R) ,   Michael Moore,      Lindsey Graham,     Al Gore,      Chuck Hagel,    Dick Durbin,      Andrew Cuomo   Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,     Susan Collins R-ME,   Patrick Leahy,         Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,       John Cornyn R-TX,   Mitch McConnell R-KY,     Lisa Murkowski R-AK,      Robert Menendez NJ,   Al Franken D-MN,   Claire McCaskill (D-MO),   Patty Murray WA,   Henry Waxman CA,   Linda Sanchez CA,   Maxine Waters D-CA,   Wendy Davis D-TX,   Elijah Cummings D-MD,   NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,        Rep. Ann  Kuster D-NH,      Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),   Rep.  Jared Polis (D-CO),       Orin Hatch (R-UT),     Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),   Deval Patrick (D-MA),      Jerry Brown (D-CA),      Julia Pierson,    Rep. Al Green (D-TX),   Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH),  HOWARD  DEAN,     Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),      FORMER  Attorney Generals  ERIC HOLDER & LORETTA  LYNCH,  Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald,  House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),     Hank Johnson (D-GA),    Huma Mahmood Abedin,     Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),   Donna  Brazile  FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,        Anthony Weiner,    CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),    JOHN  LEWIS  (D-GA),   Sheldon  Whitehouse (D-IL),    James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,    SUSAN  RICE,  Federal Judge William H. Orrick,    Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),   Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME  BACK  AL,   Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),   Tim Kaine (D-VA),   Mark Warner (D-VA),   Amy Klobucher (D-MN),  Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),   Senator  Richard Blumenthal (D-CT),  Kamala Harris (D-CA),     Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),      Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).   Rep.  Frederica Wilson (D-FL),  John Kasich (R-OH),   John Hickenlooper (D-CO),   Marco Rubio (R-FL),   Rod Rosenstein DOJ,   Adam Schiff (D-CA),   Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI),   The BUSH  FAMILY (now that Barbara is gone),  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D/S-NY),   James Clapper,  John Brennan,   Kamala Harris  (D-CA),   Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY),   Mazie Hirono (D-HI)


MSNBC,    ACLU,   Congressional Black Caucus,   NAACP,   Jesse Jackson,  AL  SHARPTON,    UNITED   NATIONS,     Jane Fonda,   LA RAZA,   MOVEON.ORG,      PETA,   CAIR,     BOB  COSTAS (NBC),    The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE  PERSON & EVERY PLAYER  WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),   CNN,  The Environmental Protection Agency,          Republican National Committee (RNC),     NBC,   CBS,   CNBC,  ABC,  BUREAU OF  LAND  MANAGEMENT, Department of Education,  Department of Energy,     NBA,  NHL,  NOW (National Organization Of Women),   Patricia Ireland,   Planned  Parenthood,    Jesse Ventura,  Geraldo Rivera FOX News,   Juan Williams FOX News,    The Washington Redskins Football Team,    James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game).  CDC (Center for Disease Control),    Shepard Smith FOX News,      BLACK  LIVES  MATTER,   THE SIERRA  CLUB,   Megyn Kelly NBC,   Quentin Tarantino,   The University of Missouri,      Kirsten Powers FOX News,    Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),   Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers,  SAN FRANCISCO  49ers for supporting Kaepernick,  Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.),  Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),   Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor,  Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,   ORGANIZING  FOR  ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),    Kathy Griffin,      Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN,  ALL  NFL  PRE-GAME  SHOWS,   Libby Schaaf -OAKLAND MAYOR,   NPR (National Public Radio),  FOX  NEWS CONTRIBUTORS Mara Liasson and Mort Kondracke,    N.M.  District Judge Sarah Backus (D-NM),    NIKE,   GOOGLE




An excellent example of the path down which our country is heading is exemplified by a story I heard yesterday morning on one of the radio news reports.  According to this story, some group has obtained hair samples from Michael Jackson,  Bob Marley,  and Jimi Hendrix and individual hairs will be sold at an auction so that the DNA of these three "Super Stars" can be maintained.   Then, according to this story,  when human cloning becomes legal,  these three fine examples of humanity can be reproduced.


I'm sorry but I do not think that reproducing any of these three jerks holds  my interest for very long..... that is unless there is a shortage of child molesters, heroin addicts and Che Guevara supporters.


If N.Y. Governor Andrew Cuomo gets re-elected, he has promised to sign into law  SAFE  ACT 2 which would impose incredibly more strict regulations on firearms owners in the State of New York.  Here are just a few of the restrictions imposed by this proposed new law:


MICROSTAMPTING:  Requires all semiautomatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in Yew York State to be capable of producing a unique alpha-numeric or geometric code on at least two locations on each cartridge case expended from such pistol.  It will be a Class D  felony if you willfully deface microstamping component.


SAFE  STORAGE:  Requires that weapons be stored with a safety locking device or in a safe storage depository when left outside the immediate possession or control of the owner or other lawful possessor.  Failure to do so will result in a Class A  misdemeanor.  This includes houses without children and as such only serves to delay the ability to defend yourself against home invaders.


FIFTY CALIBER BAN:  Bans the possession, sale or transfer of 50 caliber or larger weapons.


GUN DEALER INSURANCE:  Requires the imposition of restrictive business practices, recordkeeping and reporting for lawful gun dealers including requiring that every dealer carry insurance coverage against liability (at least $1 million per incident) for damage to property and for injury or death of any person resulting from the sale, delivery, lease or transfer of a firearm, rifle, or shotgun.  (The costs will ultimately fall on the law abiding consumer)


PROHIBITS SALE OR TRANSFER IN N.Y. OF GUNS THAT ARE NOT  CHILD PROOF:   Prohibits the sale or transfer of a "Child Operated Firearm" as a pistol or revolver which does not contain a childproofing device, which would prevent an average five year old from operating it.


30 DAY LIMIT ON GUN PURCHASES:  Prohibits a person from purchasing more than one firearm from a dealer within a 30 day  period.  Prohibits a dealer from selling or transferring a firearm to a person who has purchased or taken possession of a firearm within the previous 30 days.   Requires dealers to request approval for sale from the Division of Criminal Justice Services.


10 DAY WAITING PERIOD ON GUN PURCHASES:  Prohibits a person from taking possession of any firearm from a dealer unless 10 days have elapsed from the date the dealer initiated the NICS Background Check System of the purchaser and has received notice that the purchaser has passed all background checks required by federal, state and local law.


AMMUNITION  CODING:   Requires every manufacturer to code any ammunition for handguns and assault weapons. "Coded Ammunition"  means a bullet carrying a unique identifier that has been applied by etching onto the base of the bullet projectile........Most bullet manufacturers are not going to make special New York bullets so the availability of ammunition in the Empire State will decrease dramatically.  But that is pretty much the goal gun controllers are aiming for.


REDUCES  PISTOL PERMITS FROM 5 YEARS TO 2 YEARS:  Requires that all pistol permit licenses expire every two years rather than the present 5 year term.


I am sure that career criminals will abide by these more strict firearms laws and that crime in the State of New York will cease to exist.


I heard last week that ultra liberal comedian Chevy Chase, former Saturday Night Live player made some recent statements about today's version of Saturday Night Live being really sub par.   While I don't agree with Chevy Chase on many issues, I sure do on his assessment of the present Saturday Night Live being way below what it once was.  During the early days/years of the show I really thought they did some really funny stuff with comedians like:  Dan Akroyd,  Jane Curtain, John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Bill Murray,  Garrett Morris, and later on Eddie Murphy and Dana Carvey and a few others.  Dan Akroyd and Jane Curtain did a Saturday Night Live parody of the CBS News Point/Counter Point that was one of the funniest skits I have ever seen.  And Gilda Radner as Rosanne Rosanna Dana was superb.  How about Eddie Murphy in Buhwheat Sings and Dana Carvey as Church Lady?   There was one old bit where they were conducting a talent contest in a prison and Garrett Morris sang "I'm Gonna'  Buy Me A Shotgun And Kill All The Whiteys I See."  It seems as if the old group of comedians could poke racial humor and not be considered racist.  And how about the "Bass-O-Matic"  Commercial?

It is sad to see the direction that humor and talent has taken over the past few years.  Comedians are not funny.  Actors are not believable.  Movies depend upon special effects rather than good scripts and good character portrayals.   AND, I read this morning in the (Sub) Standard Times that Mel Gibson is doing a remake of the old Sam Peckinpah film,  "The Wild Bunch."  Now here is the cast of the Original "Wild Bunch" Movie:

William Holden

Ernest Borgnine

Robert Ryan
Edmond O'Brien

Ben Johnson

Warren Oates 
Emelio Fernandez

Jaime Sanchez
Strother Martin

L.Q. Jones

Bo Hopkins

Dub Taylor

Of course most if not all of these actors are dead and gone but I think trying to re-make "The Wild Bunch"  would be like trying to re-make "Shane" or "Treasure Of The Sierra Madre"  or "The Mark Of Zorro"  or  ANY of Errol Flynn's old swashbuckler movies.  I'm not sure it can be done with any degree of credibility.  But I could be wrong... NAH.





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March 14th, 2018  INTERESTING PEOPLE / PUBLIC EDUCATION           

WEDNESDAY - March 14, 2018

Hello once again from the West Texas Home For Vast Right Wing Conspiratorial High Capacity Magazine Possessing Jingoistic Xenophobes.


During my lifetime from about high school on through  post retirement after spending 45 years in Law Enforcement, I realized how fortunate I had really been in being able to meet some really Interesting People which included professional athletes;  coaches from all levels of sports;  performers, actors and actresses from the movie, television and recording industries;  extremely successful  business men and women;  highly successful  military and law enforcement people and basically  just some folks that I found to be a real credit to our nation and to their chosen profession.  I would like to tell you all about a really nice lady whom we met a number of years back whom I thought was one of the absolute most interesting and intelligent people I have ever met.


Last week end my wife ran across a scrapbook with lots of photos and written pages regarding our visit to Croatia in 1997.   We went there to visit some young ladies whom we met in New Mexico who were attending college in Hobbs on basketball scholarships.  We spent quite a bit of time with these young ladies and they invited us to visit their country in 1997 during their summer vacation.

So after lots of planning we flew to Croatia (which was previously part of Yugoslavia) in June, 1997 and stayed there for 21 days.   It was a beautiful country and we had a great time touring a good bit of their country and seeing the sights of their Capitol City, Zagreb.  Of course there were lots of really old buildings including a Catholic Cathedral which was about 1000 years old when we saw it.  An awesome sight regardless of your religion.


The people there treated us really great and we thoroughly enjoyed their food and their weather and pretty much everything about their country.  Of course we enjoyed spending time with their families and have kept in communication with them for the past 21 years.  While there we got to see their President make a speech in the huge town square in Zagreb and the music they played as he entered was,  now get ready for this,   The Yellow Rose Of Texas.   Sure made my day.


My wife generally got up before I did in the morning and she told me of a really nice lady whom she had met at the hotel restaurant.  So I got up one morning to meet this little lady and was treated almost every morning thereafter to a couple of hours of stories from one of the most interesting people whom I have ever met.   The little lady was in her 90s and had been born in Croatia but left to attend college in England where she met and married her future husband.


I learned that her husband had retired as a Colonel in the British Army and been stationed all over the world.  She told of living in India and several African Countries where her husband was stationed in the early part of the 20th century.  Now keep in mind this would have been in the days when Great Britain ruled India and there were several African countries which were at that time under British Colonial Rule.


This lady's husband had passed away a number of years prior to our meeting but every single time she mentioned her husband she would refer to him as:  "MY  LATE  HUSBAND,  THE COLONEL, WHO INCIDENTALLY WAS THE FINEST GENTLEMAN I HAVE EVER KNOWN".    The thought crossed my mind that this sweet little lady in her 90s was still totally devoted to the memory of her late husband.

She told me of meeting several of the British Rulers which included King George V and King George VI and of course Queen Elizabeth II.   She spoke very highly of Queen Elizabeth II and told of what was expected of one who had the honor of being presented to Her Majesty.   She told of her husband being decorated TWICE by Queen Elizabeth with the highest civilian award given and he had also been awarded the second highest Military Medal during his service to his country.


She also spoke very highly of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, which came as no surprise.  She also had met the new Prime Minister Tony Blair and had lots of good compliments for Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, which also came as no surprise.  I told her that I had always enjoyed watching Prime Minister Thatcher in her weekly responses to the British House of Parliament.   She said that having quality opposition was an absolute necessity if one were to be viewed as a truly great Prime Minister.  I thought that statement mad a heck of a lot of sense.  It doesn't matter whether it is in sports or business or any horseshoes or war,  winning over a quality opponent means a great deal.


As I said, almost every morning I visited with her for an hour or so and of course she had questions about the United States which I tried to answer intelligently but in spite of all I had seen and been exposed to in my life up to that point, I couldn't hold a candle to what this sweet little lady had seen in her lifetime.  A truly amazing person.

After we returned home I received a couple of letters from her and then I wrote one which was not answered and I had to figure that she was either extremely ill or had passed on and was back with  The Colonel, who was the Finest Gentleman She Had Ever Known.  I would like to think so.




Earlier this week in the (Sub) Standard Times there was a front page story on the young students who participated in our local Spelling Bee in order to qualify for the National Spelling Bee to be held later this year.

The winner of our local Spelling Bee was a young man who came in first out of a group of 25 students ranging from the second to the eighth grade'  The printed the pictures of the top three places in the local competition.


The young man who won the contest was Kasey Torres who is seventh grader at Cornerstone Christian School and this was his FOURTH time to win the competition.


Tying for second place were Akash Vukoti, a third grader with the San Angelo Christian Homeschool Association and Davis Bailey, a seventh grader at Angelo Catholic School.


Placing third was Franchesca Untalan, a seventh grader with the Christian Homeschool Association.


Of course the first thing I noticed was the fact that Kasey Torres won the local contest for the FOURTH time which is plenty impressive.

The second thing I noticed is that every one of these young people attended either a private school or was home schooled.

Now I am not in the education system in any manner but I do contribute my share to our public school system and donate when I can to some of the private schools in our area.  I  find it a sad commentary when at our local level and even at the national level, private education systems and home schooled young people seem to be well ahead of public school students in many areas.


Of course the first thing that crosses my mind is that these private schools and home schooled students have way less Federal interference than do public schools nationwide. It seems to me as if these home school and private school educated students have a way better grasp of some of the basic skills than do many public school students.  This has not always been the case and I have lots of friends who have been involved in public school systems all over the State of Texas at many different levels  and I know that most of them have a pretty dim view of the situation facing our public school systems at present.


ALSO, today is the day when students from a large number of public school districts have chosen to walk out to protest gun violence and to make sure that school shootings...."NEVER HAPPEN  AGAIN."   Of course not all school districts are playing this game.  I have heard and read where the Houston Independent School District along with many other Texas School Districts have promised discipline to those students who choose protest over education.


FUNNY, I have not read or heard of ANY  PRIVATE  SCHOOLS  who are participating in this really useless protest movement.  But then perhaps those students have a bit of a higher goal in mind than becoming a POLITICAL ACTIVIST or a COMMUNITY  ORGANIZER.  AND, just perhaps the parents of those students have a better grasp of reality than do many of the parents of many public school attendees.




Tony Aguilar,    Mary Vigil,      Joe & Ruth Lucero,   Ted Salgado,  Raoul McPeters,    Marshall Newman,  Cindy van Der Sterre  -NM  -  Ella Dunlop,    Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,      Maria Tupaz,  Bernice Murphy,    Judy Langham,     Liz Deguren,  Roger Tucker,       Zak Krejci,   Debra Blake,   Mary Denson,   Randy  Jones,      Don Weaver,     Sherry Welch,   Shirley Boatright,      John Palmer,   Bobby Black,  Kaylee King (2)   - TX -  Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -   Paul & Debby Gula,  Mike Burkebak,   Alan Miller,    Debbie McKeown, Violet  Fermin,  Carlos Fernandez,   Kate Nolan  - FL -    L.T. Drennan - OK -     Lynn Jones - NE -    Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,    Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -   Charles Latham,  Rocky Leonard,    Bette Miller,   Sheriff Richard Mack,  Bob Schneider - AZ -   Kate Powell,  Annise Kennedy,  Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa),  Kenny McPeters,   Suzie Dove,   Weston Lord,    Ken Welty,   Greg Orr   -  CA -      Keith Chambers,   Nancy Chambers,   LANA Athey,   Vicki Watson - CO -      Hal Whitmore - DE -   Herb Johnston - NY -     Lonnie Shoultz,   Hap Myers - AL   -     Jim Pinney,   Carol Pinney,    James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),   Bill Stafford  - OH -  Joyce Marie Severino - GA    - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly  -TN  -  Lela  Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA -  Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI  -     RET. COL.  Pete Mekkelson -WVA -   CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI    Tyler Seddon  - RI -   Billie Beckman - MN,   Fr. Jose  Reyes,  Fr. Maurus Hauer  (100 YOA) - IN     David Williams - PA   


GySgt. Daniel West,  MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice,  CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,    CAPT.  Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)    SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd,  RCT Graydon J. Phillips,  CAPT. Levi English,   GySgt. Eric Harmon,   LCPL Archer Abblitt,  Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,   MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret)  Harvey  Weigart -   US MARINE CORPS -    Kenneth Thomas - USCG     A1 Elizabeth Chaffon,  Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,   MSgt.  Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT.  Mandie Yates  - US AIR FORCE -   Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -   Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -    Lt. William Jourdan,  CAPT.  Robert McLay,   Lt. Russell Brown,     CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),   E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),    LT  Ethan English,   - US NAVY -   Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -    SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES  -   MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie,  Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball,  SSgt. Travis McGowan,   Michael B. Hudgens,     Scott Hillyer,   Jeff Schoonover,  CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,    LT. CLINT  LOWRANCE* - US ARMY    -  CWO3  Tim Helton and the 1/230  Air Cav Squadron TNANG  -  All of the  men and women presently serving in the United States Military,  THE  UNITED  STATES  OF  AMERICA 


John Mallory - DEA -    Gary and Cindy Hogman,   Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 




"A gun is a tool.  Just like any other tool.  A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it."....................... SHANE*


"Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it is not an individual right, or that it's too much of a public safety hazard, don't see the danger in the big picture.  They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate other portions of the Constitution they don't like."....................... ALAN M. DERSHOWITZ


"The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."............. JAMES MADISON


"A Militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves ...... and include all men capable of bearing arms." ...........  RICHARD  HENRY  LEE


"Most gun control arguments miss the point.  If all control boils down  fundamentally  to force,  how can one resist aggression without equal force?  How can a truly FREE state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors?  It CANNOT."............. TIFFANY  MADISON (Journalist and Author)


"When the law disarms good guys,  bad guys rejoice."................... TED NUGENT


"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make  a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power....  Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.   There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....   Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery?  Forbid it, Almighty God.  I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK  HENRY


*I realize that this is just a line from a great movie, but it made perfect sense to me THEN and it still does NOW.


I have quoted a Movie Star;  a  Rock Star;  a Journalist/Author;  a Founding Father;  a Liberal Attorney;  and The Father of our Constitution and they all seem to have the same view of our Second Amendment.


Apparently ONLY Liberals in General and Liberal Career Politicians in particular and the grossly Uninformed have a different take on our Second Amendment Rights.




Barack Hussein Obama,    Michelle Obama,   George Soros,    Louis Farrakhan,   Debbie Wasserman Schultz  FORMER DNC  Chairperson,   Leon Panetta,       Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg,  Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,    John McCain (R-AZ),   Jeff Flake (R-AZ)    Nancy Pelosi,    Diane Feinstein,   Barbara Boxer,    Hillary Clinton,   Bill Clinton,   Chuck Schumer,      Rahm Emanuel,     Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,       COLIN  POWELL  ( R) ,   Michael Moore,      Lindsey Graham,     Al Gore,      Chuck Hagel,    Dick Durbin,      Andrew Cuomo   Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,     Susan Collins R-ME,   Patrick Leahy,         Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,       John Cornyn R-TX,   Mitch McConnell R-KY,     Lisa Murkowski R-AK,      Robert Menendez NJ,   Al Franken D-MN,   Claire McCaskill (D-MO),   Patty Murray WA,   Henry Waxman CA,   Linda Sanchez CA,   Maxine Waters D-CA,   Wendy Davis D-TX,   Elijah Cummings D-MD,   NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,        Rep. Ann  Kuster D-NH,      Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),   Rep.  Jared Polis (D-CO),       Orin Hatch (R-UT),     Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),   Deval Patrick (D-MA),      Jerry Brown (D-CA),      Julia Pierson,    Rep. Al Green (D-TX),   Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH),  HOWARD  DEAN,     Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),      FORMER  Attorney General LORETTA  LYNCH,  Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald,  House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),     Hank Johnson (D-GA),    Huma Mahmood Abedin,     Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),   Donna  Brazile  FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,        Anthony Weiner,    CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),    JOHN  LEWIS  (D-GA),   Sheldon  Whitehouse (D-IL),    James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,    SUSAN  RICE,  Federal Judge William H. Orrick,    Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),   Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME  BACK  AL,   Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),   Tim Kaine (D-VA),   Mark Warner (D-VA),   Amy Klobucher (D-MN),  Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),   Senator  Richard Blumenthal (D-CT),  Kamala Harris (D-CA),     Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),      Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).   Rep.  Frederica Wilson (D-FL),  John Kasich (R-OH),   John Hickenlooper (D-CO),   Marco Rubio (R-FL),   Rod Rosenstein DOJ,   Adam Schiff (D-CA)  


MSNBC,    ACLU,   Congressional Black Caucus,   NAACP,   Jesse Jackson,  AL  SHARPTON,    UNITED   NATIONS,     Jane Fonda,   LA RAZA,   MOVEON.ORG,      PETA,   CAIR,     BOB  COSTAS (NBC),    The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE  PERSON & EVERY PLAYER  WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),   CNN,  The Environmental Protection Agency,          Republican National Committee (RNC),     NBC,   CBS,   CNBC,  ABC,  BUREAU OF  LAND  MANAGEMENT, Department of Education,  Department of Energy,     NBA,  NHL,  NOW (National Organization Of Women),   Patricia Ireland,   Planned  Parenthood,    Jesse Ventura,  Geraldo Rivera FOX News,   Juan Williams FOX News,    The Washington Redskins Football Team,    James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game).  CDC (Center for Disease Control),    Shepard Smith FOX News,      BLACK  LIVES  MATTER,   THE SIERRA  CLUB,   Megyn Kelly NBC,   Quentin Tarantino,   The University of Missouri,      Kirsten Powers FOX News,    Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),   Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers,  SAN FRANCISCO  49ers for supporting Kaepernick,  Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.),  Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),   Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor,  Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,   ORGANIZING  FOR  ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),    Kathy Griffin,   Charles Krauthammer FOX News,   Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN,  ALL  NFL  PRE-GAME  SHOWS,   Libby Schaaf -OAKLAND MAYOR




It appears as if the Austin, Texas police department have a major problem on their hands with the rash of apparent random bombings in that city.  Of course since two of the victims are Black  Males and the third is a Hispanic Female some of the media hopped right on this fact and have been trying to pass it off as a RACIALLY MOTIVATED  HATE  CRIME.   Actually no one knows the exact motive for these bombings.  Perhaps they are motivated by someone or some group who does not like minorities, but I do not know that AND   NEITHER DOES  THE  MEDIA.  


And I can assure you that the Austin Police Department DO NOT  NEED  a bunch of left wing media mutts  trying to  make up something which may or may not be a factor.


A really important story from the Entertainment page of the (Sub) Standard Times.  The bold print read:  SCHWARZENEGGER  SAYS  HE WANTS TO SUE GLOBAL OIL COMPANIES.


The story said that Schwarzenegger is in talks with law firms about possibly suing oil companies "for knowingly killing people all over the world  by contributing to CLIMATE  CHANGE."   "If  you walk into a room and you know you're going to kill someone,  it's ... murder;  I think it's the same thing with the oil companies."   That is a quote from the mouth of The Terminator.  Funny,  I don't remember Arnold Schwarzenegger being touted as an expert in  meteorology.   He is just another example of a famous person spouting off on a subject in which he is clueless.


I watched Hillary Clinton yesterday bashing not only White Male voters but Married White Female voters as well.   And she was speaking to a crowd of people whom I am sure would love to have her as their President.... OH!  I'm sorry,  she was speaking to a crowd in INDIA.  Well maybe they will buy into her bullshit.   What Hillary failed to point out is that not only did White Male and Married White Female voters NOT vote for her.... but they did not so in massive numbers.  AND I am proud to say that I was one of those who fell into that category.


And for any Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democrats who may not be quite aware of this fact and who are very vocal and apparently very upset over President Trump's replacing Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, perhaps it might be time to point this out:


1) President Trump is President of the United States

2) Rex Tillerson was appointed to the position of Secretary of State by President Donald Trump

3) Secretary of State Tillerson did not agree with President Trump on a number of important issues which included the Iran Nuclear Deal.

4) If the appointee does not back the Chief Executive's policies...... GUESS  WHICH  ONE  HAS  TO  GO?

5) This is NOT the first, nor will it be  the last  cabinet member to be replaced.


Evidently the House Committee which conducted an investigation into the alleged RUSSIAN  COLLUSION by Donald Trump and his team has reached the conclusion that the accusations are COMPLETELY  UNFOUNDED.   I think this was expected by most of us..... well those of us other than left wing loonies.





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March 8th, 2018 MAJORITY RULE           

WEDNESDAY - March 7, 2018



Hello once more from Jingoistic Second Amendment Supporting Vast Right Wing Conspiratorial Fossil Fuel Burning SUV Drivers Of West Texas






In the mid 1960s, after President Lyndon B. Johnson (whom I did not vote for nor did I ever like or respect) made a televised speech and I cannot remember for sure the exact occasion for the speech other than LBJ just wanted to let the American People know who was running the show.

Anyway, in this speech, of course he mentioned the Civil Rights Act which he had signed into law that went into effect in 1964 dealing with racial discrimination; voting rights; equal opportunity and a host of other items. BUT what really caught my attention in this speech was when I heard the President of the United States make the statement that; "This ol' stuff about MAJORITY RULE is out the window."  I knew right at that moment that he was telling us just exactly how powerful he was and that life as we had known it had come to an end.

And quite frankly, things have been going downhill off and on since that time.  For some reason or other, I thought that the wishes of the MAJORITY were one of the primary things on which our country was founded. OH, and please spare me the crap about Donald Trump being President without a MAJORITY of the popular vote.  According to our Constitution the votes in the Electoral College are the deciding factor in a Presidential Election and since that is the case.... Donald Trump DID receive a MAJORITY of the ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES.  Just as did Bill Clinton who was elected President with LESS than a MAJORITY of the popular vote.

But, in most cases, the wishes of the MAJORITY were the guiding factor for a long time in our nation. And I believe that this changed during the Johnson Presidency and has pretty much gone downhill ever since the mid 1960s.



Now let us look at our country TODAY. MAJORITY RULE as we know it has been taken away from the American people by several different entities. I would have to believe that the first group who have made MAJORITY RULE a thing of the past is our Judicial System which at the Federal level is populated by Judges who have been APPOINTED FOR LIFE. As I understand it, the only way one of the Lifetime Appointed Federal Judges can be removed is by the Impeachment Process.  I think we can all see how effective that has been over the past 60+ years. I seem to remember one major Impeachment Process and that was of President Bill Clinton and his punishment was LESS than a slap on the wrist. I will not say that one of these lifetime appointed Federal Judges has not been impeached at some point but I sure do not remember one off the top of my head.

But just stop and think of how much our lives are CONTROLLED by the decisions handed down by these Federal Judges AT ALL LEVELS.  Of course the Supreme Court Justices have the final word on a subject..... that is IF THEY CHOOSE TO EVEN HEAR THE CASE. So when you get right down to it with a 5 - 4 split as a general rule, the American people are at the mercy of that ONE DECIDING VOTE by a Supreme Court Justice.  That is what gave the American people OBAMACARE.



NOW look at the decisions handed down by the various Federal Appeal Courts or just a ruling by some Federal District Judge.  I seem to remember Barack Hussein Obama bypassing Congress and handing down edicts that were forced upon the American people by EXECUTIVE ORDER. And Barack Hussein Obama was not the only President who has used the Executive Order to get something done which went into effect immediately rather than going through the normal legislative process. George W. Bush and most of his predecessors did the same thing.

BUT, when Donald Trump attempted to do away with an Obama Executive Order with one of his own, what happened?  Some Lifetime Appointed Federal Judge usually at a District Judge level ruled against President Trump's Executive Order which only shows that right and wrong are not even part of the equation. It is made on a purely politically motivated reasoning.



BUT let us get back to MAJORITY RULE. I can almost guarantee you that the MAJORITY of the American people support the Constitution INCLUDING THE SECOND AMENDMENT.  But when you watch almost any so called news program, you come away with the false impression that the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS WANT GUN CONTROL and blame the firearm used in the crime more so than the behavior of the criminal.



I truly believe that the news media and the entertainment industry are a huge part of the problem of the real wishes of the MAJORITY are not reported truthfully and the desires of a really corrupt entertainment industry and even more corrupt media are put forth as what the MAJORITY of Americans want to see in place. You can just read or listen to some of these so called POLLS and pretty well see that we are being lied to in Biblical proportions.  Remember the poll last November just prior to the election that had Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide?



AND here is another example of how little a real MAJORITY means in our country today. I can assure you that the MAJORITY of the evidence regarding not only Russian Collusion but criminal acts as a result of this collusion, points squarely at the Obama Administration;  The Clintons; The Clinton Foundation; The Democrat Party; Obama and Clinton Supporters in the F.B.I. and Justice Department. BUT once again, this is just another case where a MAJORITY seems to carry no weight with the Washington Career Politicians.



And finally, I would bet that the MAJORITY of Americans have no problems with private ownership of firearms and have no problems with 18 year olds having the ability to purchase a rifle or a shotgun. I can pretty well assure you that the MAJORITY of Americans DO NOT BLAME THE NRA or firearms ownership by honest citizens for the rash of school shootings over the past 10 or more years.  Isn't it odd how in 1966 when Charles Whitman from the Texas Tower on the campus of the University of Texas in Austin shot and killed 17 innocent people and wounded another 31 before he was shot and killed by Officers from the Austin Police Department, no one and no group was making the request for the ban of certain types of firearms or were blaming the NRA or the President of the United States at that time.  Nor were they expecting students at the University of Texas to construct new laws regarding the sale or possession of firearms. Nor were the firearms used in this mass murder blamed for the killings. Charles Whitman was blamed for the killings. Were the people in 1966 that much smarter than the people today?  Apparently so as they placed the blame where it belonged.



Why is it that the people in the United States who choose to own firearms for protection of their families or for sporting purposes or as part of their job now being portrayed as mindless people who must be either Racists or Homophobes or Xenophobes or just pawns of the NRA?  Why is it that all of a sudden a very vocal minority is attempting to dictate policy to our elected government officials. And what is even more concerning is why would these elected people listen to these inexperienced, emotional people many of whom are too young to either buy firearms or vote?

I watched part of a film the other day which had Michael Moore interviewing Charlton Heston. Moore asked Charlton Heston if he kept LOADED firearms in his home. Mr. Heston told Moore that he did. Then Moore asked him WHY. Mr. Heston said because it was his right to do so. AND that my friends is what this loud, inexperienced, not too bright minority are trying to do away with. Our Constitutional Right GUARANTEED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.  My question to Mr. Heston would have been WHY if he had said that he kept UNLOADED firearms in his home. A loud, inexperienced, left wing, socialist has NO RIGHT TO DICTATE TO ME WHAT STEPS I CAN TAKE TO PROTECT MYSELF AND MY FAMILY. Isn't it funny how most of those vermin either have armed security or live in gated secure communities? Yet they do not believe that you and I have the right of self protection.



I have no intention of bowing down to the wishes of these minority groups when I feel down deep that I along with the MAJORITY of Americans support our Constitution and place the blame for violence on the shoulders of the person committing the violence rather than the tool that he or she might use.






Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2)  - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -   Lonnie Shoultz,  Hap Myers - AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA   



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay,  Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 






"What is ominous is the ease with which some people go from saying that they don't like something to saying that the government should forbid it.. When you go down that road, don't expect freedom to survive very long."....... THOMAS SOWELL



"The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals' expansion of the welfare state."........................ THOMAS SOWELL



"As for gun control advocates, I have no hope whatever that any facts whatever will make the slightest dent in their thinking -- or lack of thinking."... THOMAS SOWELL



"Immigration laws are the only laws that are discussed in terms of how to help people who break them."................ THOMAS SOWELL 



"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),   Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH),  John Hickenlooper (D-CO),  Marco Rubio (R-FL),  Rod Rosenstein DOJ,  Adam Schiff (D-CA)   



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON, UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News,  Juan Williams FOX News,  The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),  Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS,  Libby Schaaf -OAKLAND MAYOR  







NO, I did not watch one nanosecond of the Academy Awards. I am proud to say that I was a member of a MAJORITY of television viewers who had the same idea on Sunday evening. I did not recognize a single person who won one of the awards and I did recognize one movie title, "The Darkest Hour" since I knew it was a movie relating to Winston Churchill and his standing up to Nazi Germany in World War II. Also I had seen the previews to this movie a few weeks back. I also did see the acceptance speech given by Gary Oldman who won the Award as Best Actor for his portrayal of Winston Churchill and from what I saw, he was the ONLY recipient who had good things to say about America.



I noticed that one of the people who received an award was Frances McDormand who won the best actress award for her role in the movie... "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri."  Now there's a movie title that just tingles with excitement. I also watched a film clip of McDormand's acceptance speech which was really quite pointless.

I can remember when the Academy Awards program was hosted EVERY YEAR by Bob Hope and it was well done and loaded with humor and totally devoid of political rhetoric, which is not the case today. I'm sorry but to me Jimmy Kimmel is about as humorous as a great white shark. It seems as if the Academy Awards program has sunk to a level far below anyone's expectations. BUT, then so has the movie industry as a whole with damn few exceptions.

We have Diversity and Trans Gender and Trans Sexual ideas stuffed down our throats on a daily basis and I do not need Frances McDormand nor Meryl Streep nor Jimmy Kimmel nor LeBron James nor Kevin Durant to advise me on political or personal matters.


HEY! Here is something that I am pretty sure that the MAJORITY of Americans won't go along with. I heard a report where Purdue University has just issued out instructions against the use of the word..... now get ready for this....... "MAN" on the Purdue Campus or in a Purdue Classroom. I saw one women's rights advocate who was all for this rule and she said that the word "MAN" "could offend some people." Now evidently it does not offend the MAJORITY of people but "SOME" people.  This advocate indicated that it offended her.  Now stop and think about this; You no longer have a crime of MANSLAUGHTER but now it should be PERSONSLAUGHTER. You no longer would have a POLICEMAN or a FIREMAN but a POLICEPERSON or a FIREPERSON. She went on with a few other idiotic suggestions. If this is the state of Purdue University and it catches on with other institutes of higher learning then I would suggest just hold your kids out of college or at least refuse to pay their tuition. The WORD POLICE are at our door. The THOUGHT POLICE cannot be far behind.


This morning in the (SUB) Standard Times there was an article regarding our locally owned and operated stores that sell firearms and ammunition. The headline read: "LOCAL GUN STORES TO CONTINUE DOING BUSINESS AS USUAL."  Did my heart good to see that local business owners are not caving in like Wal-Mart and many other national chains.


Also in the (SUB) Standard Times was a story regarding entertainment on a national level. The article told us that TINA TCHEN (a former flunky to Michelle Obama) has just been named by the Recording Academy as the head of their "TASK FORCE ON INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY." Was I ever happy to see that the Academy had appointed such a notable personality to this much needed post. The first question I had to ask was.... "Who in the Hell is Tina Tchen?" Then I had to wonder just exactly what this Task Force On Inclusion And Diversity was going to do? Perhaps they can go before Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller and feed him some information on just exactly what Donald Trump DID NOT DO in an act THAT DID NOT HAPPEN.


I seem to remember reading this quote which was engraved on an old pistol:



"Be not afraid of any man,

No matter what his size;

When danger threatens call on me.

And I will equalize."



Then there is my all time favorite;



"God Created Man..... Colonel Colt Made Them Equal"









Return to Index  




March 6th, 2018  TRUE MEANINGS / NRA / PROCEDURE           

WEDNESDAY - February 28, 2018

Greetings once more from the West Texas Association Of Jingoistic Undiversified Supporters Of The NRA And The Second Amendment.



When we listen to the radio or watch some so called News Program on television, we are subjected to a bunch of words and phrases put forth by professional politicians AND by people who try to pass themselves off as News Reporters. Here are a few that you are likely to hear on a regular basis along with what they really mean.

"NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH."  Be aware that when a Liberal/Progressive/Democrat/Socialist/Marxist makes this statement about something that has just been said, that whatever was said is dead on target and has at least a 98% chance of being the ABSOLUTE TRUTH.  All these people are doing is playing for time. They have just been hit with a statement or a question for which they do not have a good answer and they are playing a game that might give them a little time to come up with a lie that a gullible American public just might buy.



"THAT IS A GREAT QUESTION.... OR ..... I'M GLAD YOU ASKED THAT QUESTION."  First of all ... they ARE NOT GLAD that you asked that question and I can assure you that they DO NOT believe the question was GREAT. Once again they are playing for time to try and come up with a statement that they believe the totally clueless in our society will digest...regardless of how it tastes. As a matter of fact, they are thinking that they had rather be pecked to death by a duck than have to give an answer to that question. Often they will answer this GREAT QUESTION that they are SO GLAD YOU ASKED, with a question of their own. A sure sign that you have found a soft spot in their armor...which is not all that difficult when you realize that you are dealing with homo sapiens that are not all that adept at playing games where outright LIES come in ahead of logical thought.



"LET'S STICK WITH THE FACTS."  Of course the true meaning of this statement means that they would prefer to STICK WITH THE FACTS... BUT ONLY AS THE TRUE FACTS ARE PERCEIVED BY THE Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democrats. An example of this is the statement that we keep hearing from the left wing loonies about how much more ILLEGAL ALIENS CONTRIBUTE IN TAXES than the RECEIVE IN BENEFITS. To those buffoons, that is a FACT. But we all recognize it as pure equine fecal matter. (For those of you residing in the Freedom Loving People's Republic of Travis County this means horse shit... that's right two words.)  In reality, sticking with true facts would scare these twinkies to death.



"WE NEED TO HAVE A CONVERSATION/DIALOGUE." This may be my all time favorite. The meaning is very simple. What the Liberals/Socialists/Democrats are really saying is that you need to SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO THEM. There is no CONVERSATION INVOLVED in the sense of a Two Way Conversation. What they mean is that regardless of what your views are, or what you say, it is absolutely MEANINGLESS to them.  What they mean is for you to hurry up and get through with your meaningless ramblings so that you can LISTEN TO THEIR VIEWS and at the conclusion, you must AGREE with them on EVERY POINT or risk being called a Racist or an Alt Right Nazi or a White Supremacist or a Religious Fanatic or perhaps the worst of all an NRA Supporter.



You are expected to give in.... pretty much like the Republican Party had given in for years rather than do what they promised their supporters.  Your thoughts mean NOTHING. Your ideas are UNACCEPTABLE.  And you obviously refuse to COMPROMISE. You are expected to give in just like the majority of the elected Republicans at the national level have been doing for years.




Almost immediately following the school shooting in Broward County, Florida, the Democrats rushed to blame the NRA and almost every other pro Second Amendment group or person for this tragedy.



I just wonder what kind of thought processes go through the minds of these liberal vermin that causes them to blame objects and organizations and honest citizens for the abhorrent behavior of an individual such as this school shooter. Just look back at the school shootings in the past few years and convince me that the ACTUAL CAUSE OF THE CRIME WAS;



A) The type of weapon used

B) A pro Second Amendment organization



For some reason the media driven left wing seems to completely disregard the fact that no group or organization urged the school shooters to commit their crime. Nor did the manufacturer of any firearm insist that the firearm they manufactured be the weapon of choice of the shooter.

For a number of years now, we have heard the liberal fools tell us that the AR-15 CANNOT BE USED FOR HUNTING. Really?  Tell that to the coyotes that have met their doom by an AR-15 fired by my Grandson on a Colorado Ranch. Of course the liberal idiots for the largest part have NEVER even picked up an AR-15 style rifle, much less fired one or Heaven Forbid .... OWNED one.



Yes, the M-16 rifle used by our Military for a number of years is the FULLY AUTOMATIC version of the AR-15 design BUT the AR-15 itself is a semi-automatic weapon that can be used for target shooting; competition shooting; OR.....HUNTING!



BUT if you are a an uninformed individual who perhaps watches the show "OUTNUMBERED" on the FOX News channel at mid-day and happen to listen to Marie Harf (the token liberal female on the program) you will quickly find out that Marie Harf knows next to nothing about any type of firearm.

 Then if you happen to listen to Broward County, Florida Sheriff, Scott Israel you will also learn that in his view, the NRA and any elected official who accepts political contributions from the NRA are the real culprits in the 17 murdered students in his county. I have seen just about all of Sheriff Scott Israel I can stomach, especially when I learned that he was a staunch Obama supporter. If you listen to this self centered turd for just a few moments you will learn that he views his LEADERSHIP abilities in the same light as Abraham Lincoln.  Now since I was not alive when Abraham Lincoln was President, I can only base my opinion of his leadership abilities from what I read in various history books. For some reason, I don't believe that most Americans will view Sheriff Scott Israel as the second coming of Abraham Lincoln. All you need to do is watch a very few minutes of this arrogant jerk to reach the same conclusion as I reached.  And that is that Scott Israel would not recognize LEADERSHIP if it were to kick in his front door and bite him square on the ass.



Oh, and did I forget to mention that Scott Israel was a past proud member of Team Obama?




Having been in law enforcement for 45 years and having answered quite a number of felony in progress calls, many of them involving armed suspects, I feel as if I can speak with some authority on this particular subject. Prior to departments having specialized S.W.A.T. teams along with specialized weapons provided to the Officers, most weapons carried by the Officers, including their handguns for many years, were purchased by the Officer himself rather than being furnished by the department.

After these specialized units were more common among departments all over the United States, there were generally procedures put into place governing the actions of the first officers on the scene of the incident. If it were a situation where one of the Specialized Assault Teams had to be called to the scene, the normal PROCEDURE was for the first Officers on the scene to establish a perimeter and secure the area until the specialized unit arrived and took over.



I have been among the first to arrive on a number of occasions and of course unless immediate action was called for, I along with other Officers followed the established procedures. HOWEVER, there were a number of occasions when things went to hell in a big hurry and called for immediate action prior to the arrival of the specialized units. On those occasions, established procedure was thrown out the window and immediate action was taken by myself and others on the scene.

Now I was not at the scene of the Parkland School shooting BUT I would have to believe that the first Officers on the scene did as they had been trained in establishing a perimeter. BUT.... when the shooting inside the school started... if those Officers outside had any idea that someone was inside the school killing students then they should have taken action on their own initiative. They might risked an ass chewing later on but if they saved lives....I will bet that even an idiot like Sheriff Scott Israel would have recognized that they did what they had to do as dictated by the circumstances at the time..... But then, I could be wrong since that would be giving Sheriff Scott Israel credit for being a real leader instead of a self centered ass.



Procedures are put in place for a reason BUT there are emergency situations which call for an Officer to take the initiative and act on his own in order to keep people safe.



In my 45 years as an Officer I worked for a lot of people who were either Field Supervisors; Administrative Supervisors; Bureau Heads; and Department Heads. I did not necessarily always agree with their policies or their procedures but still followed the rules unless an emergency called for something else. On a couple of occasions I received letters of commendation for basically violating procedure and taking action on my own. Occasionally I got chewed out but taking it all into consideration, most real LEADERS appreciate an employee who recognizes exigent circumstances and takes action.  As the old saying goes; "It is easier to beg for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission."



In any event, the citizens of Broward Country need to recognize the failure of law enforcement at damn near every level from Federal on down through most of the local agencies and take some measures to replace those who view themselves as SUPER LEADERS.






Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2)  - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -   Lonnie Shoultz,  Hap Myers - AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA 



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay,  Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 





"But if tighter restrictions on gun ownership do not reduce murders, what is point of tighter gun control laws --- and what is the point of demonizing the National Rifle Association?".................. THOMAS SOWELL



"The key fallacy of so-called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available."............ THOMAS  SOWELL



"So is the automatic assertion that whoever engaged in a shooting rampage was a madman?  Yet these supposedly crazy shooters are usually rational enough to choose some GUN FREE ZONE for their murderous attacks. They seem more rational than gun control zealots who keep creating more GUN FREE ZONES." ........... THOMAS SOWELL



"The zealotry of gun control advocates might make some sense if they had any serious evidence that more restrictive gun control laws actually reduce gun crimes. But they seldom even discuss the issue in terms of empirical evidence."...................... THOMAS SOWELL 



"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),   Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH),  John Hickenlooper (D-CO),  Marco Rubio (R-FL),  Rod Rosenstein DOJ,  Adam Schiff (D-CA)  



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON,  UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News,  Juan Williams FOX News,  The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),  Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS, Broward County Florida Sheriff Scott Israel






While in the process of blaming the NRA; Weapons Manufacturers; Firearms Owners; President Trump;  Global Warming; Racism; The Confederate Flag; White Supremacy; George Bush;  Russian Collusion; Homophobia; and God only knows whom else or what else, the Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democrats seem to have overlooked the fact that we have at least one or two generations who have been RAISED ELECTRONICALLY and have learned to depend upon various devices and social media and a lying mainstream media (all branches) for their values and their concept of right and wrong.



Our society is now accepting abhorrent behavior as acceptable. The Socialists have GUTTED our public education system.  Has anyone noticed that over the past 20 or more years, all of the nationwide contests in which students participate are almost 100% of the time won by either Home Schooled Students or Private School Students. Shouldn't this raise a red flag about our public education system?



I am sure that there are many smaller rural school districts that are an exception but for the biggest part, most public education systems depend upon state and federal money for their very existence. It is a small wonder that these Electronically Educated Students have the reading skills of a three toed sloth. I am confident that in the not too far distant future, thanks to electronic devices, that most students will be unable to successfully read a novel from cover to cover. That is why I will NEVER get rid of my books. I have kept so many of the classics in almost every subject; Science Fiction, Westerns, Adventure, Classic Writings, Mystery, History, Art, Military, Sports, and various other subjects. I intend to give them to my Grandchildren so that they can pass them on to my Great Grandchildren. Listening to a book on CD is just not the same to me as reading it and turning the pages myself rather than have some electronic device automatically walk me through the story. I have tried it and did not care for it at all.

Video games have pretty much made the taking of a human life unimportant. After all, when you turn your game back on, the dead people are alive again. In real life it just isn't that way. But when you have generations playing those idiotic games, human life seems to lose its importance.

I doubt seriously if most high school students can name the capital of any state other than the one in which they live... and I'm not too sure that the majority can do that. When I was 2 years old and my Dad was home due to an injury he received working in the oilfield, he read to me every day of my life and got a map of the United States and made a game out of the capital cities of every single state. Before he went back to work, he could name any state and I could name the capital city. Or he could name the capital city and I could name the state and it made no difference in which order he gave them. I am pretty sure that this early training as a very small boy is largely responsible for my having a pretty darn good memory at almost 81.

My exposure to electronic education was an old table model Truetone radio. I believe that was the brand name for the Sears radios at the time. I can remember listening to the reports of the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 at my Aunt's house on her large radio. I remember Franklin Delano Roosevelt's speech, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."



The youth of today have grown up in an extremely permissive society in which they are urged to do whatever they feel like doing.  Respect for their parents and others is practically non-existent. It is a small wonder that the youth of today turn to bad behavior... and sometimes extremely bad behavior in order to draw attention to themselves. Their values have gone down the tubes. And I am speaking specifically of the youth in America. The European youth for the biggest part has already bit the big one.



All you have to do is watch young people from some other countries, S. Korea in particular, to see how young people in America behaved in the 1950s.  In S. Korea, doing things as a family group is still very important and showing respect for your parents and for others is also of primary importance. And they are probably as knowledgeable in the area of electronic devices as any group of young people on the planet BUT it is NOT more important than how they treat others. AND THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE.



I am sure that there are other countries that might fall into the same type of behavior but they are becoming a real rarity.


I received a copy of a letter from a Texas Sheriff to his Deputies. I have not published the Sheriff's name or the County which he represents. The letter was forwarded to me by a retired Police Officer who has been very accurate in the information which he sends out. Here is the letter:



With the recent tragedy in Florida, I wanted to make clear my policy on responding to an active shooter. All commissioned Deputies if you respond to an active shooter you are expected to take immediate action. We do not stage and wait for SWAT, we do not take cover in a parking lot, and we do not wait for another agency. We go in and do our duty. We go in to engage and stop the shooter and save lives. If for any reason you feel you can not follow this directive please inform your supervisor and we will work to get you re-assigned.



Thank you for all you do every day.



Sheriff ----------- -------------





My final thoughts on this matter are this;  I feel bad for the families and friends of the students who were killed or wounded in the Broward County, Florida school shooting. I certainly do not have all the answers on how to prevent this type of behavior for reoccurring somewhere else. BUT I am not foolish enough to think, as the liberal vermin like to put it; "We must make sure that this can NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN."  That would be nice but highly improbable. And passing stiffer gun control legislation will NOT insure that this kind of crime does not occur in the future.



And, while I fell compassion for those affected by this horrible event, I AM NOT yet inclined to turn over our legislative process to people who still live at home with their parents and still play video games and are controlled more by their SMART PHONES than they are by truth, knowledge, and experience and have NEVER held a full time job and have NEVER had to make decisions as an adult and who have just witnessed a terrible tragedy in which many of their friends were murdered and many of whom are too young to purchase firearms themselves.



Perhaps Sheriff Israel is but I AM NOT!


Please pay close attention to the quotes above from Dr. Thomas Sowell.






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February 21, 2018  CLUELESS           

WEDNESDAY - February 21, 2018

Greetings once again from the Home Office Of The Vast Right Wing Conspiratorial Jingoistic West Texas Gun Owners.






I don't even know where to begin. Whether it be with the CLUELESS MEDIA or CLUELESS SCHOOL OFFICIALS or a CLUELESS AMERICAN PUBLIC.

Let us look for a moment at the shooting resulting in multiple deaths at the school in Parkland, Florida. First of all, I do not need a bunch of media idiots constantly telling me that the indiscriminate murders of students, or for that matter other innocent citizens is unacceptable. I actually already knew that. I am sure this will come as a surprise to the left wing idiots which includes ALL of the media, including FOX News. While FOX News does the best job of giving us information on such occurrences, they still have news reporters who are reasonably CLUELESS in these matters.



Of course, the first thing we have to hear from EVERY SINGLE NEWS SOURCE is that the manner in which the United States deals with "Mental Health Issues" needs a bit of fine tuning. Of course the main problem is that NO ONE has a real solution for dealing with mental health issues without treading into a territory which could be viewed as more government intrusion into our personal lives.



I always like the idiots who give us this line: "We must pass meaningful legislation to insure that something like this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN." Good luck with that. I believe that back even in Biblical times, MURDER was a crime which was not permitted by even the most permissive of societies. BUT, the crime of MURDER does not seem to have been stopped or even significantly slowed down by the passage of a myriad of laws dealing with the subject.



Now, getting back to school shootings. I am sure there are some things which could be implemented which could reduce the number of deaths at any single event. BUT if you think that passing some type of meaningless legislation will completely stop this type of criminal act then .... to put it in Biblical terms...... "Thou Art Barking Up The Wrong Tree."



Of course the CLUELESS Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Marxists/Democrats ALL seem to believe that "COMPREHENSIVE GUN LEGISLATION" in the form of "UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS" is the answer.  Let me give this example one more time for these mush brained vermin:



Let us suppose for a moment that the ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF A FIREARM is made a Felony Crime in every single state. Let us say that violation of this statute carries a penalty of a mandatory 10 years in the penitentiary.



Now let us suppose that the murder of ANYONE on any school property carries either a mandatory Life Sentence or as in some states right now the Death Penalty.  Is there ANYONE in our country other than Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democrats who actually believe that a sentence which is LESS than the mandatory sentences for the crime of MURDER will stop or even slow down these school shootings?  The PERPETRATORS ARE COMMITTING CAPITAL MURDER AND WILL NOT BE INTIMIDATED BY SOME HALF BAKED FIREARMS LAWS.



NOW, here once more are some examples of just how STUPID AND CLUELESS the members of the media... ALL BRANCHES ... truly are.



How stupid and CLUELESS do you have to be to try and INTERVIEW emotional teen agers immediately after they have seen some of their classmates murdered at their school? Then, how stupid and CLUELESS are you to even consider putting the issue of GUN CONTROL/OWNERSHIP to these same emotional teen agers?

Then, how stupid and CLUELESS must one be to immediately place the blame for this school shooting squarely on the shoulders of the NRA?

Finally, how stupid and CLUELESS do you believe the American Public to be when you attempt to come up with some really ineffectual methods to stop this kind of crime from occurring in the future? Let me just name a few so called methods that I have heard over the past few days:



1) Australian style surrender of firearms..... OK. This was not a case of the Australian gun owners voluntary surrendering their firearms. It was a National Law REQUIRING ALL PRIVATELY OWNED FIREARMS TO BE TURNED IN TO THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT OR THE FIREARMS WOULD BE SEIZED AND THE OWNERS PROSECUTED.  How many of you believe that this type of procedure would fly in the United States? This is not a voluntary surrender of firearms, nor is it one of those ineffectual "Buy Back" programs. IT IS THE SEIZURE OF PRIVATE PROPERTY THE POSSESSION OF WHICH IS GUARANTEED LEGAL BY THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.



2) The use of Metal Detectors and placing Uniformed Security personnel in all schools. OK. Just suppose for a moment that you have a high school with between 3,000 and 4,000 students and have multiple buildings with multiple floors. Do you place Security Personnel on each floor? If so, how many Uniformed Security Personnel do you place on each floor? Don't you suppose that if an armed shooter/shooters have knowledge of Uniformed Security Personnel in the schools that they will take them out FIRST?



3) Universal Background Checks..... I have already addressed this subject but let me expand. Could the Federal Government's criminal background system stand some improvement? The answer is of course... YES.  Our present background check system is ONLY AS GOOD AS THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES ALL OVER THE United States. If an individual has a felony conviction and some court system/police department/criminal justice system neglects to send this information in to the F.B.I. then the system WILL NOT BE ACCURATE. Unfortunately this is the present situation.



AND what in the hell is all this talk of UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS? Do we need to wait for information to come in from Jupiter or some far away Galaxy before someone is allowed to purchase a firearm?

ALL of this UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECK sounds good to the uninformed Liberals/Progressives/Democrats/Socialists but any background check is ONLY AS GOOD AS THE INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THAT SYSTEM.



 4) Most of the Liberals/Progressives/Democrats seem to believe that violating the Second Amendment Rights of honest Americans is the answer to school shootings. Of course most of these people live in a world where they are provided personal security by... guess what...... people WITH FIREARMS. Yet they want to deny you and I the same degree of safety by allowing us to have the means to PROTECT OURSELVES.



Now we have all heard about how the F.B.I. dropped the ball on not passing information forward after being advised that this Parkland School shooter was a potential danger. I have seen some former F.B.I. Agents who have said that the whole incident was bungled by the failure of the F.B.I. to properly forward the information received.  Then I saw one former F.B.I. Agent who said that the information received did not reach the standard required for the F.B.I. to open up an investigation. Now I don't know which set of facts is true but one of them has to be in error.

Also, in having dealings with F.B.I. Agents over a 45 year period, I have personally passed along information to Federal Agents... from all Federal Law Enforcement Branches, when I believed that a Federal Crime had been committed. Conversely, I have also RECEIVED lots of information from multiple Federal Law Enforcement Agencies on matters which did not necessarily violate Federal Law but were obviously in violation of local or state laws. Additionally I have received surveillance equipment from several Federal Agencies which were not available to local agencies



BUT please spare me the stories being put forth by some in various law enforcement agencies AT ALL LEVELS. Many of these high ranking Administrative Types are simply parroting what the person who appointed them wishes them to say.



In Monday's edition of the (SUB) Standard Times... or as I like to call it, "U.S.A. TODAY, WEST TEXAS VERSION", there was an article headlined: SHOOTING SUSPECT'S RED FLAGS DID NOT STOP GUN PURCHASE"...... BUT, the article and the accompanying photo was primarily addressing a shooting in Isla Vista, California in 2014 which was committed by a subject named Elliot Rodger. Both that shooting and the shooting in Parkland, Florida committed by Nikolas Cruz were committed in so called, GUN FREE ZONES. Basically what the article was about was favoring family members or school personnel to be able to recommend the removal of firearms from persons whom they believe "Pose A Threat" to others. These laws are commonly called "Red Flag Laws" in the states where they are presently in effect. Those states are:  California, Connecticut, Indiana, Oregon, and Washington

Doesn't it make quite a bit of sense that if some deranged or just plain evil person decides to commit mass murder regardless of what type of weapon is used that he would pick a place where weapons, particularly firearms, are prohibited? To me, this is just plain common sense.... AH but we are dealing with a whole group of people who had rather place our Constitutional Rights in the hands of emotional teen agers than in adults who perhaps might accidentally use common sense on occasion. (And I am excluding the majority of our elected Senators and Congressmen in the group who use common sense. They are only interested in getting enough votes to be re-elected.)



Also in the (SUB) Standard Times there was an editorial article by Cal Thomas which headlines read: "WARNING SIGNS IGNORED AGAIN".  In the article the Broward County, Florida Mayor was quoted as saying, "We missed the signs. We should have seen some of the signs."  Well, Mr. Mayor, apparently someone DID SEE THE SIGNS AND REPORTED THEM AND NOTHING TRANSPIRED FROM THAT POINT ON.  We keep hearing this sound advice; "If you see something... Say something."  Seems like this did occur but no action was taken on the information.



Now a short word on, "If you see something, say something."  This all looks good in print but in reality, most people are AFRAID to SAY SOMETHING. In the case of the teen age students, they are afraid of being branded a snitch or a rat. In the case of most adults,  thanks to the mass media, they are afraid of being BRANDED A RACIST or of BEING PREJUDICED. OK, which is worse? To be called a RACIST or to withhold information which might save multiple lives?  JUST CALL ME A RACIST... I had rather save lives.



AND let me just run this one by you. If you want Uniformed Security Personnel on school ground and if you want metal detectors then be prepared to have the little darlings show up for school at least an hour ahead of time, sort of like the TSA at the Airports. I can guarantee you it will be a slow process. NOW if you want some armed personnel on school grounds then find some of the teachers who can qualify for a conceal carry permit and pay for their training and arm the teachers. If you are going to have armed security have some in plain clothes but doing menial jobs in which they would not be recognizable as security personnel. Have them trained well and not be afraid to use deadly force when called upon to do so.

BUT whatever you decide upon to cut down on school deaths, DO NOT DEPEND UPON THE CLUELESS MEDIA and in many cases THE CLUELESS POLITICIANS to solve this problem. If you wish to live in a society that DEPENDS on the Government to provide them security 24 hours per day, then move to one of the European Socialist countries and see how you like that. If not, then shut up and let people who have the courage and the means to protect themselves AND others do what they do best.



By all means, the local law enforcement agencies should be notified as soon as possible BUT think about this: Do you suppose that the potential mass murderer is going to sit around and wait for police to arrive? Do you think that just perhaps he will do his best to kill as many as possible before armed help arrives? Do you think that perhaps potential victims might have a better chance if some real action was taken against the killer PRIOR to the arrival of law enforcement?



You can wait for the police if you wish. I believe I will choose to take action myself.... and you should do the same if you wish to remain alive. I am sorry that innocent students were murdered by an evil person. But I am not foolish enough to believe that this is the last time we will see an incident such as this. As long as the CLUELESS MEDIA is willing to use the classmates of these murdered students to further their Liberal/Progressive/Socialist/Marxist ideas, my attitude is not likely to undergo any significant changes.



And my final thoughts on this matter. I am very sad that students were murdered by someone who should not have been on the school grounds armed with any type of firearm. I am sorry that the classmates of the murdered students had to see and go through what they did. With that being said, while saddened by this event, I AM NOT WILLING to give up my Second Amendment Rights or any other Constitutionally granted rights so that the CLUELESS MEDIA and high school students can feel good about themselves.  The idea of listening to a group of emotional teen agers who have just undergone a traumatic experience, most of whom are too young to even purchase a firearm, about legislation regarding the purchase and possession of firearms is way beyond CLUELESS. Wonder why these same students didn't threaten a school walk out or demonstrate and voice their opinions when Kate Steinle was murdered by an Illegal Alien with a stolen firearm? Was her life not just as important to her friends and family as the lives of the brutally murdered students in Florida? I also wonder why students in the same age group who have NOT been brainwashed by a CLUELESS MEDIA and CLUELESS POLITICIANS have not been interviewed?






Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2)  - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -   Lonnie Shoultz,  Hap Myers - AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA   



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay,  Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 






"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),   Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH),  John Hickenlooper (D-CO),  Marco Rubio (R-FL),  Rod Rosenstein DOJ,  Adam Schiff (D-CA)   



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON,  UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News,  Juan Williams FOX News,  The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),  Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS






A quick word about the Winter Olympics. Now you can call me a Homophobe if you like. You can call me anti-whatever-in-the-hell you wish. But my opinion which I have based through watching interviews and statements made by many of the male figure skaters is not likely to undergo any significant changes from what it is now. AND that is that figure skating has turned into a FREAK SHOW.  I seriously doubt if any of the people who are involved in the Men's Figure Skating events have a clue as to which bathroom to use. Here is an example based upon a statement made by one of the American Male Figure Skaters. I believe his name is Adam Rippon;  "I'M LIKE EXCITED AT ABOUT A MERYL STREEP.... DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?"  Well actually Adam... NO.. It doesn't. I am not sure if you were trying to say that you felt like Meryl Streep or just what but I will say this... Meryl Streep (who incidentally is a pure varmint) is way more manly than you appear to be. I have reached the point where I find it extremely difficult to watch or listen to these effeminate twinkies any longer.


Well it seems as if Mueller has dug up enough stuff to indict a number of Russians for various offenses uncovered while they were "Meddling In The 2016 Presidential Election." It seems, however, that some of their "Meddling" was Pro-Trump and some was Anti-Trump. And what really strikes me as beyond funny is the fact that apparently Mueller and most of the UNINFORMED and CLUELESS people in our government and in our country do not realize that the Russians have been screwing around (meddling) in our politics for DECADES.  Do they really believe that Vladimir Putin is the FIRST Russian leader to try and get the American voters at each others throats?

Russia has been "MEDDLING" in our elections and with our elected officials since the end of World War II.  OK, I'm going to say this only ONCE. China; Iran; Saudi Arabia; Mexico; Cuba;  various South American and African countries are doing the SAME AS RUSSIA, some on the same scale and some less.



President Trump has been criticized for saying that "The Russians are Laughing Their Asses off at the discord in the U.S."  Let me clarify this a bit for those residing in the People's Republic of San Francisco.  The ONLY REASON that President Trump made that statement is due to the fact that in fact, THE RUSSIANS ARE LAUGHING THEIR ASSES OFF AT THE DISCORD IN THE UNITED STATES.....AND SO IS THE REST OF THE WORLD!



Foreign powers DO NOT HAVE TO CONTROL THE OUTCOME OF AMERICAN ELECTIONS. All they really need to do is to keep American politicians at each others throats so that they cannot do the job for which they were elected.

AND, let me give you a little clue.  Our government HAS BEEN DOING THE SAME THING TO THOSE OTHER COUNTRIES.

AND I have the same view as Rhett Butler in that "Frankly, I don't give a damn."



BUT what I DO GIVE A DAMN ABOUT is that our CLUELESS MEDIA and even more CLUELESS elected national officials are either too stupid or too selfish or TOO GREEDY to do what is right. They are all too busy trying to turn the running of this country over to a generation whose parents have allowed them to be trained and educated by smart phones.



Also, I would like a show of hands of all those who believe that Vladimir Putin will extradite those Russians to the U.S. for trial.


AND as you may have guessed, I did not check with LeBron James or Kevin Durant prior to writing this week's letter. NO, I did not watch the NBA All Star Game. I have not watched ANY NBA games since Michael Jordan was leading the Chicago Bulls to their NBA Championships.
BUT I have seen a number of video replays of FERGIE'S version of The Star Spangled Banner and I guess since it is Black History Month she decided to honor this occasion by doing everything she could to sound like a black woman. She failed miserably on all counts. Even the looks on some of the players faces should tell us AND her volumes about her rendition of our National Anthem. I guess she was trying to make a statement that she also was celebrating "Black History Month"....... Recognizing that "Black History Month" is upon us is fairly simple. Anytime they show about 9 or 10 straight hours of ROOTS on two consecutive week ends, you can bet that it is "Black History Month."


On a very sad note, we have lost a really great American and great man. Dr. Billy Graham.  When I think of a true Evangelist I think of Dr. Graham. I am thankful that Dr. Graham was alive as I was growing up. I have seen him live on a number of occasions and had the pleasure of meeting him in person at a school friend's home where Dr. Graham was visiting. It was an honor. 







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WEDNESDAY - February 14, 2018



Hello once again from The Association Of Jingoistic Vast Right Wing Conspiratorial Small Government Supporting Gun Owners Of Texas.




Back in 2000 when George W. Bush was elected as the 43rd President of the United States, I had a high opinion of him and pretty well supported his views and his actions. During his two terms as President I still generally supported his policies on a number of issues BUT I began to have some doubts about some of the things he supported and did.

The one thing that I always did support and appreciate was President Bush's treatment of our men and women serving in the various branches of our Military. Even today, President Bush is very supportive of these brave people as am I.



But I began to have some questions about a few of his statements and actions. I am not sure of the exact order of the following occurrences but here are a few which caused me to question just how really CONSERVATIVE President George W. Bush really is or was.



One was his attempt to appoint Harriet Miers as a Supreme Court Justice. Miers had NEVER been a Judge in the past and from what I remember gave some really strange answers to questions posed by the Senate regarding her Constitutional views. It was really obvious that Harriet Miers was NOT qualified for a position as a Supreme Court Justice and President Bush ended up having to withdraw her name as a Supreme Court Justice candidate. And this took place only several weeks after her name was placed into nomination.



I also spoke to a number of people who served in various branches of the U.S. Military in Operation Iraqi Freedom which was part of the Global War on Terrorism. I spoke to several people who were part of the battle for Fallujah and from some of the stories I was told by people who had first hand knowledge of what went on during that period, I had to agree that the Secretary of Defense with the approval of President Bush pretty much was calling the shots rather than the actual commanders on the scene. Now since I was not over there personally, I had to go by some of the stories I heard and some of the news reports I saw which in my opinion cost a number of American lives due to some of the Rules Of Engagement imposed by our Defense Department.

But I guess what really got me off George W. Bush as anything else was the indictment and conviction of Lewis "Scooter" Libby in Federal Court for allegedly "outing" Valerie Plame who was a CIA employee.  The only thing wrong with that was that Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald KNEW ahead of Scooter Libby's trial who had made Plame's name public and knew that it was NOT Lewis "Scooter" Libby but he still conducted his investigation and in the long run pretty well ruined Scooter Libby's life. He was convicted of making false statements to Investigators... NOT DIVULGING THE IDENTITY OF A CIA AGENT. Libby was sentenced to 30 months in prison and assessed a $250,000 fine.

NOW, here is where my rub comes against George W. Bush on this matter. After Libby was convicted and sentenced, George W. Bush commuted his sentence BUT DID NOT GRANT HIM A FULL PARDON.  Libby got screwed by the DOJ (which is nothing new) and I really believed that granting him a FULL PARDON would have been the right thing to do. BUT his FELONY CONVICTION still stands.  Actually it seems as Libby's main crime was being on the staff of Vice President Dick Cheney.



ANYWAY, after that, I did not have a hell of a lot of use for George W. Bush on any number of issues. I did and still do appreciate the way he treats the Military Veterans and their families.

BUT after Barack Hussein Obama was elected President, George W. Bush was pretty silent during the 8... EIGHT .... OCHO .... VIII.. long years of the Obama Presidency. And I actually thought that was probably the right thing to do. George W. Bush even made a public statement that he did not think that it was proper for a FORMER PRESIDENT to second guess or make comments about the actions of a sitting President.



Well that position taken by George W. Bush has apparently, like Elvis, LEFT THE BUILDING. He has recently made statements regarding the DACA/Dreamers stating that in his opinion they should be granted AMNESTY.  What really gripes me is the fact that during the Presidency of George W. Bush I don't recall the U.S./Mexican Border being all that secure and I don't recall that President George W. Bush did all that much to discourage illegal aliens from entering our country. In one of his statements he showed his lack of knowledge regarding the cotton farming industry. He asked where else we could find workers who were willing to pick cotton in a field in 100 degree weather? HEY GEORGE! In San Angelo, Texas we are SURROUNDED BY LARGE COTTON GROWING OPERATIONS.... AND..... I have NOT SEEN old style field pickers in any of those fields in the 15 years I have lived here. HOWEVER, I have seen Cotton Farmers using various machines to plant AND PICK COTTON.  Mechanization has made its way into most agricultural venues..... but spending most of your time kissing up to the Obamas, this seems to have slipped by you.

I also seem to remember his Father, former President George H.W. Bush being really tight with Bill Clinton on some disaster relief issues. I'm sorry but being tight with ANY of the CLINTONS on ANYTHING is unacceptable to me. It has been fairly obvious that the entire Bush family has been anti-Trump from the beginning. It is also pretty apparent that the Bush family seems to be hung up on a bunch of GLOBALIST crap.  It suits me fine for all the rest of the countries in the world to want to do well. BUT I live in the United States of America and I am more concerned with America AND our ALLIES than I am about many of the other countries, particularly in Europe and Africa who trend toward a Marxist type of Socialism.



If the various European Countries believe in open borders and think that is best for their countries.... so be it. BUT DON'T TRY TO TELL ME THAT CHICKEN SHIT IS CHICKEN SALAD!

While I might not agree with every single thing that President Donald Trump says or does, I am sure more trusting of his judgment and his Administrative Appointments than I was with Barack Obama; Bill Clinton; or GEORGE W. BUSH.



AND I am more convinced than ever as the days pass that the F.B.I. 's exoneration of Hillary Clinton WAS NOT to cover for the Clintons as much as it was to cover for THE OBAMAS.






For the past few days, I along with a good many of Americans have been watching the Winter Olympics from Korea. Of course on opening day when the Sister of Kim, Jong Un showed up to represent the alleged desire of North Korea to play nice with the rest of the world, I could not help but notice how the MEDIA kissed up to her and made out as if her showing up pretty much solved all of the problems being caused by the North Korean regime.

Yes, I did notice that she was a fairly nice looking lady but I have a question as to how really meaningful her visit to the Winter Olympics really was. As I understand it, she has already returned to North Korea.  I would also have to imagine that while she was visiting South Korea, she was watched rather closely by North Korean Security Officers. I would also like to point out that several years back, the Half-Brother of Kim, Jong Un was assassinated in a public place and that the reports were that Kim, Jong Un had ordered the assassination of this family member.

SO, I would not read too much into Kim, Jong Un's Sister showing up since her freedom to do or say anything that came to her mind is a bit questionable. AND I should not be surprised if she is the victim of some questionable accident at some point in her life. I have noticed that the life expectancy of Kim Jong Un's family members appears to be rather short.

AH, but the NEVER TRUMPERS along with the media have decided that North Korea really isn't all that bad of a place. Doesn't it strike you as a bit odd that other than the occasional visit from former Chicago Bull's player Dennis Rodman that Americans are generally not treated all that well in North Korea. Recently they did return an American who had been imprisoned in that friendly nation and he died fairly quickly after he was released and signs of torture were evident.



I heard another report last week about another American who was teaching a college class in North Korea who had been arrested for some violation which sounded fairly minor had it occurred anywhere else BUT in North Korea it was considered rather serious.  What many fail to realize is the fact that an American CANNOT depend upon the United States Constitution to provide him/her protection in a foreign country.

Now I have travelled quite a bit and have been to England and Zagreb, Croatia and travelled to quite a few places in Croatia BUT NEVER ONCE DID I LABOR UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT UNITED STATES LAWS WERE OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE IN THAT COUNTRY.



I have travelled into the interior of Mexico on a number of occasions and realized the moment I crossed the border from Arizona or Texas into Mexico that my actions had better conform to their laws rather than what I felt was good for me.



On my first trip as an adult into the interior of Mexico, we crossed the border at Nogales, Arizona into Nogales, Mexico which I believe is in the Mexican State of Sonora. After we were checked by the Mexican Border Officials they stamped our papers and at that time WE PAID THE BORDER OFFICIAL WHO WALKED US TO OUR VEHICLE a sum of $5.00 per person in our vehicle. Everything was fine. Prior to reaching our destination in the Sierra Madre Mountains at a great bass fishing lake we were stopped and checked several times by various Mexican officials... some State and some Federal. Each time we paid the person in charge some cash.



The next time I went to that lake I was with an older gentleman who was fairly wealthy who had been going to Mexico for years and was accustomed to the routine I had just described.  HOWEVER on this occasion, the routine had changed and at every check post at the border, I noticed the guy ahead of me paying each individual official something like $2.00 at each station. SO, as I went through and they checked my papers, I paid each border agent $2 just as I had seen the man ahead of me. BUT the old gentleman behind me, whose truck and boat we were in, did not realize that the payoff system had changed and when he did not give the first guy his $2.00, the Mexican border agent said that his papers were NOT in order and he could not be admitted. Well this pissed off this old gentleman and he began cussing out the Mexican Border Agent .... AND WE WERE IN MEXICO!  I ran back and grabbed him before they could and apologized profusely and told them that we would leave and not cause any problems. SO, we got into the guy's truck pulling his boat and drove back to the U.S. side. I tried to explain to the guy what had happened and he thanked me for keeping him out of trouble.

SO, we drove to the Nogales, AZ Police Department and I contacted the on duty Sergeant and told him what had happened and he laughed and told us to follow him. SO we returned to the place where we had almost got arrested and the Arizona Sergeant spoke to the Border guys who laughed and told us to come on through and stamped our papers and we never had a minute's more trouble.






I have to view as highly questionable the choices some people make in going to foreign countries, particularly countries where Americans are not liked very much, and doing or saying anything that might cause you some problems of any kind. I can recall an American Hiking Party several years ago decided to go hiking along the border area of Iraq and Iran. Evidently they wandered across into Iran and were promptly arrested by the Iranian authorities and thrown in jail. What I view as highly QUESTIONABLE is why would anyone make a conscious choice to go anywhere near the Iraq/Iran border because that had some good hiking trails. There are loads of good hiking trails all over the United States and the last time I checked, we were not at war or having any type of military conflict with Colorado or the Big Bend area in Texas.



Life is all about choices we make and some of us make rather poor choices. Do you remember the 2 or 3 female reporters who were visiting China and wandered over the border into N. Korea and got thrown in jail?  According to these brain surgeons, they ACCIDENTALLY CROSSED THE BORDER FROM CHINA INTO N. KOREA. OK, the entire Northern Border separating N. Korea and China is the Yalu River and the Tumen River. SO, my question to these reporters is this; How do you ACCIDENTALLY CROSS A RIVER? Isn't that sort of like accidentally climbing a tree?



I would like to visit a number of places in this world BUT I realize that when you make a conscious choice to enter a country where they have an intense dislike for ALL Americans that you might want to tread a bit lightly while you are there and do not try to push the envelope of acceptable behavior.  AND THAT MEANS ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR  ACCORDING TO THEIR LAWS..... NOT OURS.





Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2)  - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -   Lonnie Shoultz,  Hap Myers - AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA 



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay,  Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 





" There's never a right time to do the wrong thing. And there's never a wrong time to do the right thing."............. LOU HOLTZ



"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago, and a racist today."................ THOMAS SOWELL



"Helping those who have been struck by unforeseeable misfortunes is fundamentally different from making dependency a way of life."...... THOMAS SOWELL



"If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand the difference, and choose their news sources accordingly."............. THOMAS SOWELL



"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),   Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH),  John Hickenlooper (D-CO),  Marco Rubio (R-FL),  Rod Rosenstein DOJ,  Adam Schiff (D-CA)  



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON,  UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News,  Juan Williams FOX News,  The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),  Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS






I heard a story on one of the news reports this morning where some high school has decided that the National Anthem will not be a part of any of the activities sponsored by that school. Why, you ask? Simple. According to some learned school administrator the words are RACIST.

Beam me up Mr. Spock.


This just in... and I know it will be just about as important to all of you as it is to me: The Texas Hornshell Mussel is being place on the Endangered Species List.  What's that? You don't know what a Texas Hornshell Mussel is?  Well, I must admit that I have lived in Texas most of my life and neither did I.  According to the article I read in the (SUB) Standard Times, the environmental group who is responsible is none other than the Santa Fe, New Mexico based WildEarth Guardians. I thought to myself that if an environmental organization based in Santa Fe, New Mexico has enough clout to get some species I never knew existed placed on the Endangered Species List.



According to the article, Taylor Jones endangered species advocate for WildEarth Guardians was THRILLED that the HornShell Mussel now has legal protection. The article went on to say that U.S. Representative Steve Pearce, a Republican from Hobbs, NM pointed out that the listing could harm local communities, businesses, jobs and may reduce New Mexico's revenues from local energy production.



AND I believe that Representative Pearce has hit the nail on the head that the whole thing is about being able to have some outside regulatory group throw a kink into the oil and gas industry.

If you will all look back 7 or 8 years ago when the Obama Administration caused all drilling and exploration activities in West Texas to cease on all federal lands as some environmental group thought that the industry could harm the natural habitat of some unknown lizard. The only problem was that they DID NOT KNOW how many of these lizards existed since they were all nocturnal and the federal government had no accurate count of just how many of the little buggers there were in existence.


A quick word on the Winter Olympics. I read where some of the outside events had to be postponed or perhaps cancelled due to extremely COLD WEATHER. OK, let me see if I have this right.... It is the WINTER OLYMPICS.  Doesn't Winter normally bring about COLD WEATHER? One must wonder if Al Gore has heard of this?

I understand how some of the events could be hampered by extremely high winds but I cannot think of a single event in the Winter Olympics where either snow or ice is not necessary. Even curling needs ice. And by the way, I have become a bit of a fan of curling. I had never really watched it before but it is sort of an interesting sport that folks of almost any age could enjoy.


Two of the American Athletes whom I thought did an outstanding job in winning the gold medal in their respective events were both Snowboarders. Chloe Kim who won the Women's Half-Pipe Competition was so far ahead of everyone else in her event that she was not really pushed. Here is a young S. Korean girl whose parents migrated to the United States and BECAME CITIZENS ACCORDING TO U.S. LAW and was proud to display the American Flag after winning her event.  She was exceptional and also a very intelligent and pretty young lady. I am sure that winning this event in the birth country of her parents was also a real thrill.

 The second American Athlete was the gold medal winner in the Men's Half-Pipe Snowboard competition, Shaun White. What made this so amazing was that he had to come from behind as the final competitor and had to score higher than the Japanese athlete who was in first place at the time. White did some stuff that I did not think was even possible and the announcers even were amazed at his performance.





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WEDNESDAY - February 7, 2018



Greetings once again from the Association Of Jingoistic Never Clinton Conspirators Of West Texas.




OK, I will freely admit that I DID NOT WATCH THE SUPER BOWL FROM START TO FINISH. I did flip back and forth to try and get some idea of what was going on so that I could comment on what I had seen. I DID watch quite a bit of the Super Bowl Pre-Game programming by flipping back and forth between the NFL Channel and the NBC Network which was going to carry the game.

NOW, the kickoff for the game was at 5:00 PM CST. But the Pre-Game programming kicked off at noon on NBC and I am not sure when it began on the NFL Channel... it could have started the day after Christmas as far as I know.

I do know that BOTH channels had way too much pre-game hoopla to suit me. Of course I could have told you all ahead of time what some of the stuff would be about. For instance, I knew in my own mind that at some point we would be forced to hear ONCE AGAIN that Washington Redskins Quarterback Doug Williams who was the winning quarterback in Super Bowl XXII against the favored Denver Broncos, was....now get ready for this..... THE FIRST BLACK QUARTERBACK TO WIN A SUPER BOWL. I can remember watching that game and watching the Redskins run all over the Broncos. That was also the game that the Super Bowl Rushing Record of something like 206 yards was set by backup running back Timmy Smith from Hobbs, NM.  I had watched Timmy play high school football in Hobbs and he was a really talented athlete insofar as physical characteristics went... HOWEVER..... he had a room temperature IQ and was not told by Redskins Coach Joe Gibbs that he would be starting until just before the opening kickoff..... It was said that Timmy DID NOT KNOW THE PLAYS. SO, how did he set the record, you ask? Simple... The Washington Redskins had the BEST OFFENSIVE LINE IN THE NFL. If you will watch film of that game you will probably believe that most of us could have rushed for over 100 yards on that day. SO, for purely politically correct reasons, they always brag on Doug Williams and feel duty bound to remind us that he is the FIRST BLACK QUARTERBACK TO WIN A SUPER BOWL. And he did have an exceptionally good game BUT IT WAS HIS OFFENSIVE LINE WHO BEAT THE BRONCOS on that day.



There were several of the Pre Game Shows who had people on there whom I had NEVER laid eyes on before that day. And of course they damn near all had their obligatory pretty girl to expound at length about her knowledge of professional football and what drives the players. There was a couple of spots where they had some so called singing groups who jumped around like trained organ grinder monkeys. And we were treated to a film showing Michael Irving and Steve Mariucci ice fishing in Minnesota. I really got caught up in the excitement of them catching Blue Gill on a frozen lake.



There was one spot, however, that I did find interesting and that was an interview with former Minnesota Viking head coach, Bud Grant. I always liked But Grant and he took his Minnesota Viking teams to four Super Bowls but lost all four. He was a class act and took his defeats like a man. I can recall one year when the Vikings got beat in either the last game of the season or in their first playoff game and some idiot reporter interviewed Bud Grant who appeared to be in a really good mood for a coach who had just been eliminated and Grant let the guy know in a hurry that while he wanted to win the game, he wasn't going to pout over losing... because deer season was starting and he was anxious to get out in the woods to hunt deer. I always liked his attitude and liked his teams a bunch.



Now let us address some musical observations that I had. The opening of the Super Bowl itself featured a really pitiful performance of a really stupid new song performed by Carrie Underwood. This really bad song was interrupted in the middle by some hip-hop idiot putting in some of those really catchy lyrics which basically didn't fit the really pitiful song to begin with.




Then we has America The Beautiful performed by some dude and a bunch of school kids as backups. He started out OK then felt duty bound to butcher the song. NOW let me give you MY PERSONAL OBSERVATION ON ANYONE SINGING "AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL".  Since RAY CHARLES is deceased.... If you cannot find an old video or CD of RAY singing "AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL" then delete it from your program. RAY CHARLES IS THE ONLY PERFORMER WHO COULD SING THAT SONG WITH THE FEELING IT DESERVED.  I have seen Ray Charles sing AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL in a couple of movies; heard him on the radio; heard him on various CDs and have SEEN HIM IN PERSON SING THIS SONG.  He was GREAT ON EVERY OCCASION and since he is dead, the NFL should be boiled in oil for trying to find a replacement for the RAY CHARLES version of a really great patriotic song.

AH, but then we were treated to the National Anthem as performed by PINK which left me in a pretty much rotten mood. As I understand it, PINK had a sore throat or something along that order and according to some of the news sources showed some real courage by singing the song anyway. Of course, sore throat or not, PINK felt duty bound to display to all of America the magnificent range of her voice. Basically she fit right in with everything else on the Pre Game festivities. Real quickly let me say a couple of words about the SUPER BOWL HALF-TIME SHOW A-LA JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE............... IT SUCKED!



I am sure that there were probably a few acceptable over priced commercials shown BUT I did NOT SEE ANY OF THEM. The Mexico Avocado Commercial that everyone was raving about... how shall I put it? ..... STUNK!  I think I saw one Budweiser Commercial and came to the conclusion that whomever decided to replace the Budweiser Clydesdales with this "Dilly, Dilly" crap should receive a ride on the Dunking Stool. (For those of you residing in The People's Republic Of San Francisco, that was a punishment handed out to suspected Witches and Sorcerers by the early settlers in Salem, Mass. You were dunked under water and held there. If you lived, then you were obviously a witch or a sorcerer and were then burned at the stake. If you drowned, as most of the recipients did, then you were NOT a witch or sorcerer and they had made a mistake.)



As I said earlier, I did not watch the entire game but did switch back and forth during slow periods of THE GREAT RACE to catch some of the action. I was pretty impressed with Eagles Quarterback Nick Foles who I thought played a superb game. Actually with the exception of his one dropped pass and one fumble, Tom Brady played a heck of a game also.  And keep this in mind, Brady got the ball back with less than one minute left and now time outs and on the final play of the game threw a pass in the end zone which came really close to being caught by Gronkowski which if completed would have given the Patriots a chance to tie the game and send it into overtime. Also do not lose sight of the fact that Brady threw for 505 yards in a losing effort.

But I will still contend that what really won the game for Philadelphia was the fact that when they got a lead... they DID NOT STOP DOING WHAT GOT THEM THAT LEAD. That is what beat Jacksonville in the playoffs; what beat Atlanta in Super Bowl LI and what has beat a whole bunch of teams who were leading for most of the game. I do like

the head coach of the Eagles, Doug Pederson. But I also like Bill Belichick if for no other reason than the Sports Media can't stand him. I place the Sports Media in with the mainstream print, radio, and TV media. ALL VARMINTS.



The one really positive thing attributed to the NFL this past week end was awarding the Walter Payton Man Of The Year Award to J.J. Watt who was responsible for raising MILLIONS of dollars for the victims of the Hurricane that hit the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast in 2017. He put his money and his efforts in a massive campaign which I believed raised something like $37 Million.  He is not only a superb football player but even a better man.






Dossier - n.- a collection of documents about some person or matter



I believe after several months of investigation we have learned that the so called "Trump Dossier" was a collection of lies ... PAID FOR BY THE HILLARY CLINTON CAMPAIGN AND THE DEMOCRAT NATIONAL COMMITTEE.  BUT, this is not the DOSSIER that I am going to write about.



In the late 1970s in Hobbs, New Mexico I was involved in the investigation of a RAPE case in which a pretty young lady who worked at a local club as a cashier was abducted at knife point from a super market parking lot. She was taken outside the city and the man attempted to forcibly rape her but could not complete the act. The woman was in real fear for her life so she decided to try and trick her assailant. She told him that the reason he was having trouble was due to the fact that the setting was all wrong and that they should go into town and get a motel room.  Of course the guy didn't have any money so she said she would be happy to pay for the room.

So they went into town and got a motel room. The guy was still having problems so she suggested that they get something to drink which should help them both. There was a liquor store a few doors down from the motel and the woman convinced the rapist that she would get the liquor and return immediately. The idiot went for it and she left the motel and ran across the street and phoned the police department. When the first officers got there she told them what had happened and they went to the motel room only to find that the would be rapist had left.



The woman was taken to the police station where we were interviewing her about what had happened. Although the rapist was not able to complete the sex act he had penetrated the woman.  The lady gave us a really good detailed description of the rapist and also gave us a nickname that he had given her. So while the lady went to the hospital to be examined for any evidence, I had remembered the nickname of a guy who was involved in some drug deals in the city but I could not remember his real name. So, we went to a pay phone near the home of a drug undercover agent who had given me the nickname on several occasions. I called the agent and was given the true name for the subject and additionally the agent told me that the guy drove a 1954 Chevrolet, green and white in color.



As soon as I hung up the phone, I was relating the information to my partner, Larry Ruffner, and he said, look across the street. I did and there was a 1954 green and white Chevrolet sitting all alone in a huge parking lot. We also noticed a white male fitting the description of the rapist approaching the vehicle. So by the time we drove across the street, they guy was inside the Chevrolet and sitting in the front seat beside him was a large knife matching the description of the knife used by the rapist. We took the guy AND THE KNIFE into custody and had the vehicle locked and placed a guard on it.  By the time we got the guy to the police station and was walking him down the hall, the lady had returned from the hospital and saw the subject and screamed that this was the rapist.  He was booked on charges of Criminal Sexual Penetration.

We also obtained a search warrant for his vehicle and therein we found a huge notebook divided up into sections. As well as I remember there were about 30 or 35 sections and under each section was then name and photograph of a local young female with all kinds of personal information on each of them. A couple of the girls worked at the police department.  This guy had written into this book wording and used the term DOSSIER regarding the book. He not only had information on the girls named in the book but also had some other information leading us to believe that there was additional evidence at his home. SO, we also obtained a search warrant for his house and found all kinds of incriminating evidence at his home. He had maps with locations marked as potential grave sites for future victims.  He had detailed plans on how to construct a wooden coffin.  He also had some plans on how to construct explosive devices. Then in a drawer we located some blasting caps and ceased the search right there until some explosive experts could be called in to make sure the premises was secure.

It was obvious from this varmint's DOSSIER that he had been following each of the girls mentioned in his book and knew their habits and who some of their associates were as well as information on their parents and families. He even had one section in this book that described IN DETAIL how he had entered one of the Detective Offices at the Hobbs Police Department late one night.  He described in detail how he had used a screwdriver to take off a vent from the locked door and crawl through and he had some detailed information on some of the items in each Detective's desk.



We went to trial on this guy and he was convicted and given a really long prison sentence.  HOWEVER, he was paroled several years later and on the day he was released, he raped a woman in Santa Fe.  He was caught and convicted of that rape also and was given a longer prison sentence. Then, sometime in the late 1980s or early 1990s, he was again granted parole and was place in a home in Albuquerque where he lived with an older man and his wife.  Several weeks after moving in, he raped the lady and once again went on the run.  He was picked up within a few weeks and sent back to the New Mexico Penitentiary and that was the last we heard of him.



I had heard the term DOSSIER used in the past but this was my first real experience in coming in contact with one which was used by a criminal AND by the courts. HOWEVER, as big of a criminal as this rapist was.... I don't think he can hold a candle to the Obama/Clinton/Democrat Party.  AT  LEAST THE INFORMATION IN THE RAPISTS' DOSSIER WAS TRUE. And he ended up doing a lot of years behind bars...... SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD CURE FOR THE CLINTONS and THE OBAMAS. You can rest assured that all the cover up attempts being perpetrated by the Democrats/Progressives/Socialist Politicians are directed at covering up for the REAL CRIMINAL MASTERMIND in this whole drama... BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and his entire administrative staff. I have heard several people on various radio programs finally coming to the realization that BARACK OBAMA'S political career has been against the best interests of our nation. I hope that we still have enough honest people in our government to bring out the facts that will show our voters that Barack Hussein Obama was the head of an old fashioned Chicago style CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE. EVERY SINGLE OBAMA HOLDOVER SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM HIS/HER GOVERNMENT JOB.






Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2)  - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -   Lonnie Shoultz,  Hap Myers - AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA 



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay,  Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 





"The Budget should be balanced. The Treasury should be refilled. Public debt should be reduced. The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance." ..... CICERO - 55 BC



"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.".................. THOMAS SOWELL



"Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard, don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like.".........................ALAN M. DERSCHOWITZ



"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),   Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH),  John Hickenlooper (D-CO),  Marco Rubio (R-FL),  Rod Rosenstein DOJ,  Adam Schiff (D-CA)  



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON,  UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News,  Juan Williams FOX News,  The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama), Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS






As I might have said in the past, we do not attend very many movies at the theaters any longer. Primarily due to the fact that most of them are pure junk. HOWEVER, my wife and I went to the theater yesterday to see a movie that had been recommended to me by a good friend. That movie was .. "HOSTILES" and I am really glad I went to view it on the big screen. It was a really good movie with a great cast. I shall not say any more about the movie. BUT if it is showing in your area.... GO SEE  IT.

Also at the same theater is the movie about Winston Churchill, "Our Finest Hour" which I also wish to see on the big screen. I also watched a preview of another movie which is I believe about the third re-make of the incident in which Palestinian terrorists seized and aircraft and landed at the Entebbe Airport in Uganda. The previews looked really good and I think I want to see this one also. I believe the title is Seven Days at Entebbe. I remember a couple of others regarding the same incident; Raid on Entebbe and Victory at Entebbe. They had great casts and of course it is a great story.  Then there was another titled Sword of Gideon which was about the Mossad's search for those responsible for the Palestinian Terrorist raid on the Israeli athletes at the Berlin Olympics. It was also really well done.



As previously stated, I do not think much of today's motion pictures nor of most of today's actors and actresses but I do recommend HOSTILES.


I read an article in the (SUB) Standard Times which told us that the "HUSBAND" of Ellen DeGeneres, Portia de Rossi (Yes, Portia is also a female or something in that neighborhood), a rather unusual birthday gift on Ellen's 60th birthday. This loving spouse gave Ellen a.... now get ready for this one....... A GORILLA CONSERVATION CENTER.

Where is this GORILLA CONSERVATION CENTER LOCATED, you ask? Why just where you might expect. In RWANDA. Now just in case you are not familiar with the location of the nation of RWANDA, it is located in East/Central Africa. It is bounded on the East by Tanzania;  on the South by Burundi; on the North by Uganda and on the West by the Democratic Republic Of The Congo. Some really nice neighbors.

I believe that in about 1994, somewhere around 800,000 people were killed in a tribal war between the Hutus and the Tutsis. Sure sounds like a place where I would like to invest a little cash. Also, if my memory serves me correctly, the local population is fairly heavily involved in killing off the gorillas for various body parts which are sold as souvenirs to various folks. And I believe that this is the highly civilized country where Diane Fossey was murdered by local tribesmen for attempting to save the "Gorillas In The Mist."



One must wonder just how much a Gorilla Conservation Center goes for these days. BUT, I am sure that Ellen DeGeneres is most deserving of a gift such as this. Perhaps she should move to Rwanda and take over the management of this Gorilla Conservation Center personally. I feel sure that the highly civilized friendly natives will welcome her with open arms...... Then again, maybe not.


I borrowed a book from a friend recently regarding some occurrences in Texas History. One portion had a letter which was written by the Alcade (Mayor) of the City of San Antonio in 1836 which is when the Battle of the Alamo occurred. The letter was written by Francisco Antonio Ruiz whose Father was one of the original signers of the Texas Declaration of Independence in that same year. According to Mr. Ruiz:



The Mexican Army, after laying siege to the Alamo since February 23, 1836, advanced in the early morning of March 6, 1836 utilizing 4,000 troops. According to Mr. Ruiz, the third wave consisted of about 800 Mexican soldiers of which only an estimated 130 survived.  He said that the Mexican forces were repulsed twice and that the cannon fire from the Alamo resembled thunder. He said the third assault finally breached the walls.

After the battle had ended, Mr. Ruiz and other civilians were permitted to go inside the Alamo to assist with the dead on from both sides. He said that the bodies of the Mexican troops were removed and buried in a cemetery in San Antonio. He said that after he and others helped to identify the bodies of William Barret Travis, David Crockett and James Bowie that the bodies of the Alamo Defenders (between 182 -189) were all burned by orders of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Mr. Ruiz said that Col. Travis was shot once in the head and was located near one of the cannons. He said David Crockett was in another part of the old Mission. He said that James Bowie was in the infirmary as he was ill during the time of the battle.



I have read other accounts from some of the survivors who were granted their freedom by Santa Anna after the battle who also described the bodies of David Crockett. One of the survivors said that she recognized Col. Crockett and recognized the way he was dressed. These survivors reported what they had seen to General Sam Houston.

SO, from what has been written by Mr. Ruiz WHO WAS INSIDE THE ALAMO AND HELPED TO IDENTIFY CERTAIN BODIES and based upon the reports given to Sam Houston by survivors, I would have to think that the last depiction of this battle in the made for TV movie was highly inaccurate.


HEY! Exciting news of a NEW TELEVISION PROGRAM FOR THIS SPRING!  "Lip Sync Battle."  I am sure caught up in the excitement of getting an opportunity to watch idiots lip sync songs performed by other idiots.


As most of you know, I was sick for several weeks with something that hit me like the flu.  Felt like the flu.  Had the same symptoms as the flu. And I was finally told that it was a new strain of influenza which was not affected by the normal flu shot.

During my time spent recuperating I got several e-mails and a number of telephone calls. One of the calls I received was from a very nice lady named Donna Mabry.  I have never met Donna in person but have spoken with her numerous times on the telephone and communicated with her on a regular basis via e-mail.  Donna was able to help me with some computer questions that would come up from time to time and I always sent her my weekly letter before I sent it to anyone else. There would be some occasions when she would suggest some things to clarify some of my writings, which I always appreciated. She was a very nice and kind lady who called me a couple of times to check on me when I was sick. I always appreciated that.

Last week I received a call from her husband with the news that Donna had come down with something close to what had hit me and she did not pull through. It took me several days to get over the fact that this kind lady is not with us any longer.

I will miss her for sure. I sure hate to hear of the passing of a friend, especially one who has been so kind to me.

God be with Donna's Family.


Also this past week I got a call from my middle Grandson advising me that he had passed his Colorado State Certification test for his job in Lake City, Colorado. I got to thinking of my Wife, Daughter, Grandkids and Great Grandkids and realized just how fortunate I am to have such a wonderful and caring family. I also must include our S. Korean students, one of whom is our God Daughter and the realization having a wonderful family and wonderful friends and wonderful former co-workers make me glad to be alive.








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January 31, 2018 CARTELS  / ADDRESS

WEDNESDAY - January 31, 2018




Over the past week I have listened to any number of people speak authoritatively about the Mexican Drug Cartels and how our Government is working with the Mexican Federal Government in training their enforcement people how to combat these huge Drug Cartels who apparently have a pretty free run in Mexico. Granted it is worse in some states than in others BUT apparently neither the News Media vermin nor a large number of our elected officials have a clue about the inner workings of the Mexican Drug Cartels.

Then, of course, we have former Mexican President Vincente Fox who appears to be pretty clueless on any number of things. I watched him on one show when the host used the term ILLEGAL ALIEN.  Vincente Fox along with any number of other Open Border advocates always take offense at the term ILLEGAL ALIEN and are quick to point out that NO PERSON IS ILLEGAL.'



OK, I'm going to say this one more time so that Vincente Fox and Jorge Ramos and Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Lindsey Graham and John McCain and a plethora of other elected scum can perhaps understand it:  ALIEN - 1) a foreigner  2) a foreign born resident who is not naturalized 3) a hypothetical being from outer space (and I think we will be talking about either 1 or 2)..... ILLEGAL - 1) prohibited by law 2) against the law ......  SO, IF YOU ARE NOT A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES AND YOU ENTERED THE UNITED STATES IN A MANNER WHICH WAS AGAINST UNITED STATES FEDERAL LAW .... THAT SORT OF MAKES YOU AN ILLEGAL ALIEN. I frankly don't give a damn whether or not Vincente Fox or the current President,  Enrique Pena Nieto, or the deceased Presidents Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and Porfirio Diaz like the term ILLEGAL ALIEN... it is still an accurate description of many of the so called UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS currently residing in and committing crimes in the United States. Actually I have more respect for these previously mentioned Presidents of Mexico than I do a large majority of our elected Representatives and Senators and at least four of our Supreme Court Justices.



NOW, let me tell you a little story about one of the Mexican Drug Cartels back in the late 1980s.  In Hobbs, New Mexico we had two brothers who were part of one of the larger Drug Smuggling rings operating out of Ojinaga, Mexico which is located in the Mexican State of Chihuahua.  They crossed the head man in Ojinaga and he sent a team of shooters to Hobbs to wipe out these two brothers which they did. If my memory is correct there were four shooters out of Mexico and two from Hobbs who took part in the double murder.  We ended up getting indictments against all of these people but due to a foul up by the District Attorney's Officer regarding the timely filing of charges, the murder charges were dismissed. However several of the people involved were filed on in Federal Court for drug smuggling charges and were convicted of same.



BUT getting back to the Ojinaga Drug Operation. At one point after the double murder we investigated the report of a stolen private airplane from one of the private hangers in Hobbs.  The plane was reported stolen several days AFTER it was actually taken...notice I said TAKEN not STOLEN.  We ended up locating the pilot who took the aircraft and he sang like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Here is how the whole case went down.



The Mexican Drug Cartel (and I don't think they even called it a CARTEL back then) contacted the owner of this airplane. They offered the owner quite a bit of cash to leave his hanger unlocked and wait several days to report the aircraft stolen. The owner agreed to do this. Of course he had the cash and ALSO collected insurance money for his airplane which had been allegedly stolen.



The pilot and some others involved took black tape and altered the numbers on the airplane. They actually did a pretty good job of changing the numbers so they looked legitimate. Then the pilot took off from Hobbs, NM and flew to the border and landed on the U.S. side to gas up and perform some other task on the American side. Unfortunately, while he was at the airport a Texas DPS Narcotics Officer was also at the airport. He thought something didn't smell right so while the pilot was inside the small airport. the DPS Officer went and took a closer look at the aircraft. He saw how the numbers had been altered on the plane and went to call in to find out who owned the aircraft using the right numbers and to check to see if the plane had been reported stolen. While he was inside on the phone, the pilot returned to the plane and took off and crossed the border into Mexico.

Of course the plane had NOT been reported stolen at that time as the owner was in on the scam. A couple of days later the owner reported the plane stolen and we spoke then with the DPS Agent who gave us the information on the plane. At this time, we STILL were unaware that the owner was in on the phony theft. BUT we did get the pilot's name from the DPS who had obtained it at the border airport.



Several days later we located the pilot and he was picked up in West Texas where he lived. He agreed to return to Hobbs, NM with us and speak with us about his role in this supposed theft. They guy was absolutely scared to death about what might be in store for him. Here is the story he told us about his ordeal.

When he left the border airport on the U.S. side he flew to OJINAGA, MEXICO where he landed. He said that when he got out of the plane he was met by a bunch of armed pistoleros along with some Mexican Police. He said they took him to a small shack where they put him in a room and locked him inside. He said he just knew they were going to kill him and no one would ever know what happened.  He said that the head of the Drug Organization in Ojinaga came and visited him and assured him that he would not be harmed and that he would be taken back to the border and released back into the U.S.  He said that they fed him and he spent the night in that shack. He also said that during his captivity in Ojinaga he personally saw the armed drug smugglers and pistoleros openly associating with local and Mexican Federal Police. He said that there was no doubt in his mind that the law enforcement and Mexican military were in league with the drug smuggling operation.  He said the next morning he was given some money and released at the border and he took a bus back to his home town in W. Texas. He also agreed to testify if needed and never change anything in his story.

We never did locate the allegedly stolen aircraft and all of the information was turned over to the DEA whom we knew were working some major stuff on that particular drug operation.


Several years later I was contacted by a reporter from an El Paso, Texas newspaper who was writing a book on this particular drug operation out of Ojinaga and he knew that they had been suspects in our double murder. Of course at that time, not all of the people had been arrested in our double murder and I was not about to give some reporter any information which could screw up any investigation into any of the drug operations. BUT the reporter went ahead a published his book. It is titled "Drug Lord" and there were a number of names mentioned in the book about heroin dealers in Hobbs, NM, several of whom Larry Ruffner, Rex Bogle, and I had arrested on various heroin sales charges. I had lots of answers to questions put forth by the El Paso reporter but would not give him any information for obvious reasons. So a couple of instances and names mentioned in the book were not the way it really was. Not all of the information in the book was 100% accurate regarding some of the people and occurrences but most of it was spot on.

In the book, this reporter pretty much told about how this Drug Lord had ALL of the Mexican Law Enforcement.... local and Federal... on his payroll. After he named some names of some high profile Mexican officials the Mexican Army raided his compound and killed him and a lot of his help. Of course his operation didn't stop and was taken over by someone just like him.



Also in speaking with some informants who were also involved in the Ojinaga drug operation we were told that the Mexican Law Enforcement from the Mexican Military on down to the local officers were ALL on the payroll of the drug lord who ran that operation.

BUT my point is this.... I do not believe that those DRUG CARTELS could exist and be as powerful as they appear to be UNLESS the Mexican Government was turning a blind eye to some of their actions. I have always thought that the Mexican Government was corrupt and in bed with the crime bosses. SO, please spare me the stories about the "Best and Brightest" people are entering our country illegally from not only Mexico but other parts of the globe. I'll bet more of them will go to a "State Pen" than will go to "Penn State."

Now it seems as if our own Federal Government at some fairly high levels particularly under the Obama Administration with some able assistance from the Clintons and other criminal enterprises was also corrupt and that appears to be coming to the surface now.






I am happy to report that I watched President Trump's entire State of the Union Address last night. I have watched pretty much every one of those speeches since John F. Kennedy was President. And in my opinion, President Trump's State of the Union speech was THE BEST I HAVE SEEN SINCE RONALD REAGAN. I thought President Trump's comments were strong but still showed a willingness to work with members of the Democrat/Progressive/Socialist Party. I thought his comments regarding pretty much every topic showed the strength of his character and a desire to do away with the divide between the two primary political parties.  BUT I never lose sight that the real divide is between people who believe that government should be involved in every aspect of our lives (LIBERALS) and those who believe in less government intervention and more power resting with the people rather than professional politicians (CONSERVATIVES). Because when you look at Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ) you will be unable to notice a significant difference from any of those three and Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).



Also while watching this Presidential speech, I noticed that with a very few exceptions, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) in particular, damn near ALL of the Democrat/Socialist Senators and Congressional Representative refused to stand or even join in applause with everyone else in the house. I was paying really close attention to Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer, both of whom Britt Hume described as looking like their dog just died, which I thought was reasonably accurate.



Actually, I thought the looks on the faces of Pelosi and Hoyer made me think that perhaps an entire colony of fire ants had crawled up their backsides. At least that was what I wished at the time.



I also thought the various people who were sitting with First Lady Melania Trump had some very moving stories regarding some things that they had either done or gone through.  The young man who escaped from North Korea was a particularly moving story in my eyes.



It was also a pleasure to see a First Lady who smiled and appeared to be interacting really well with the various people seated in her area.  And it was refreshing to see a First Lady who was able to sit in a regular seat.  Her predecessor, Michelle Obama, I am pretty sure needed a DOUBLE WIDE in order to fit her every widening rear end.



THEN, after the President's speech, we were treated to comments by Juan Williams - FOX News along with several other FOX News hosts.  I also noticed that prior to the release of a bunch of polls, which were very supportive of the President, Dana Perino from FOX News appeared to be headed toward the Dark Side. In my opinion, Dana Perino has been slowly but surely showing her basic liberal views. I know she is a very pretty lady but I personally did not care for her when she was the Presidential Press Secretary under President George W. Bush.



Then, after we were subjected to the left wing crap emanating from the mouth of Juan Williams, we were then subjected to the DEMOCRAT RESPONSE which was delivered by Joseph Kennedy III. Now according to many of the political experts, Joseph Kennedy III is the up and coming star of the Democrat Party. After seeing his performance last evening I reached the conclusion that: If, in fact, Joseph Kennedy III is the new Democrat Star, then the Democrat Party is in a world of trouble.  Let me see if I can put my feelings on the Kennedys in perspective.
Joseph Kennedy Sr. ----------------------------------------- was a complete turd.

Joseph Kennedy Jr. ----------------------------------------- was a complete turd.

Bobby Kennedy    ----------------------------------------- was a complete turd.

Edward Kennedy (Fat Teddy) ------------------------------ was a complete turd.

John F. Kennedy ....................................................... was the pick of the litter. I did not like him but he was sure better than the other vermin in the Kennedy Clan.







Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2)  - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -   Lonnie Shoultz,  Hap Myers - AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA 



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay,  Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 





"We view ourselves on the eve of battle. We are nerved for the contest, and must conquer or perish. It is vain to look for present aid: none is at hand. We must now act or abandon all hope! Rally to the standard, and be no longer the scoff of mercenary tongues! Be men, be free men, that your children may bless their father's name."..................... SAM HOUSTON



"I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna.  I have sustained a continual Bombardment and cannonade for 24 hours and have not lost a man. The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken. I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, and our flag still waves proudly from the walls. I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism and everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch. the enemy is receiving reinforcements daily and will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible and die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor and that of his country.  VICTORY OR DEATH.".................. WILLIAM BARRET TRAVIS ... Letter written at The Alamo on February 24, 1836 and delivered to General Sam Houston



"Too much of what is called EDUCATION is little more than an expensive isolation from reality.".......... THOMAS SOWELL 



"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo,  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),   Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH),  John Hickenlooper (D-CO),  Marco Rubio (R-FL),  Rod Rosenstein DOJ,  Adam Schiff (D-CA)  



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON,  UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News,  Juan Williams FOX News,  The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),  Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS




OK. Let me run this one by everyone.  Trump has said all along that he is against amnesty for the Dreamers/DACA yet his last proposal offered amnesty for something like 1.8 million of those critters. BUT, his offer was turned down by Schumer/Durbin/Pelosi and company.  For some reason I sort of believe that Trump KNEW ahead of time that hose idiots would turn down ANY PROPOSAL HE MADE. Now it appears as if he made an offer which pretty well gave them what they had been asking for... YET.... THEY TURNED IT DOWN.  SO, he has made them an overly generous offer that they turned down.  NOW, who appears to be the group who REFUSES TO WORK WITH MEMBERS OF THE OPPOSING PARTY?  The Democrats/Progressives/Socialists.



From what I understand about President Trump's ideas on legalization of the Dreamers is that prior to being eligible for a path to citizenship, those people would have to undergo a serious background check and have a clean checkup with no criminal history.

My point is this.... PERHAPS.... Just PERHAPS..... President Trump just did a masterful job of putting Schumer and Pelosi and Durbin and Graham and several others in their place.  There are several ways to show the public how gutless the loud mouths are. This could be one of them.



ALSO, I keep hearing that those illegal aliens who were brought into this country as young children SHOULD NOT be blamed or have to suffer because of the acts of their parents. OK, then if they SHOULD NOT be blamed are the Democrats/Socialists telling me the I SHOULD BE BLAMED FOR THEIR PREDICAMENT? I think not.


OK, while I have lots of folks I know who live in the State of Ohio, I read yesterday morning where the Cleveland Indians are going to remove their Indian Head (Wahoo) Logo from their uniforms and gear as it is RACIST.  I can remember being a fan of the OLD Cleveland Browns and also the Cleveland Indians but have not had much use for either franchise in a number of years. Ooops, I left out the Cleveland Cavaliers or perhaps I should say "LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers" whom I have never really cared for.  What a bunch of twinkies.


Last week there was an article in the (Sub) Standard Times... or as I like to call it U.S.A. Today Southwest Edition. This article told of an alleged SEXUAL HARASSMENT incident involving a college professor and.... now get ready for this............... SUPREME COURT JUSTICE RUTH BADER GINSBURG.  This alleged incident occurred when the 84 year old Ginsburg was a STUDENT at Cornell University. OK, now if she is 84 now then she must have been, even using the simplest math, in her early 20s when this alleged incident occurred. BOY, she got right on top of reporting that misbehavior, didn't she?  Now the article said that this professor gave Ginsburg a "Practice Test" which was IDENTICAL to the "Actual Test."  Ginsburg, being ever alert, "REALIZED WHAT THE PROFESSOR WANTED." She confronted him and, according to this article, "That was the end of it."



Now, I would like a show of hands from everyone who believes that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was significantly more desirable in College than she is at present. I imagine that those of you who believe that she was.... also believe that Olive Oyl was pretty.  I always wondered why Popeye and Bluto always fought over the ugliest woman in the comics? I still have not figured it out..... perhaps it was .... THE SPINACH.


ALSO in the (Sub) Standard Times was an article about a man from Tuscola, Texas who set a new world record for a long rifle shot on January 14, 2018. The distance? 5,280 YARDS... That is THREE MILES. The article said this feat was accomplished on the man's eighth shot. The previous world record was made on September 30, 2017 by a retired Navy Seal. That record was 2.84 miles. The rifle used in the new world record was a .408 CheyTac. He was shooting a 390 grain bullet at a velocity of 3,160 ft. per second.






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January 24th, 2018  TRAITORS / AFRICA

WEDNESDAY - January 24, 2018



Hello once again from the West Texas Home For Jingoistic Vast Right Wing Conspirators.






From what I have been hearing from various news sources other than CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC, it has become fairly apparent that many of the people in the Obama Administration, particularly those in the upper echelon of the DOJ and F.B.I. along with a number of Democrats/Progressives/Socialists in top positions with the Democrat National Committee, some of whom are elected officials have completely forgotten the oath that they took when they were sworn in to their various positions, whether elected or appointed.  In my opinion that makes them TRAITORS to their country as well as more than likely CRIMINALS for some of their actions which were not only in direct violation of their oath of office but in violation of numerous federal and state laws.



In this bunch of lying TRAITORS I am including every single Democrat Senator who have made it abundantly clear that they are way more interested in the welfare of ILLEGAL ALIENS than they are the rights of American Citizens. It is readily apparent that every single move they make and every single vote they cast is directed at amnesty for ILLEGAL ALIENS as well as voting rights for these same people.  Ray Charles was blind but could have seen what these vermin are up to. Every single ILLEGAL ALIEN that is allowed to stay in this country is a potential Democrat/Progressive/Socialist voter.



And then we learned that a House Investigative Committee has read some reports which, according to a number of elected Republicans, clearly show that the Obama Administration is guilty of ABUSE OF POWER which also includes some high ranking officials in the Department of Justice AND the F.B.I.  According to statements made by several of these elected Republicans, the totally made up information in the "Trump Russian Dossier" was in fact used by the DOJ to obtain FISA wiretap warrants.



Now I am going to go over this one more time and try to make it clear enough so that even the folks in the California State Government and the New York City Mayor's Office can understand. Let me first quote the FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA:

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against UNREASONABLE SEARCHES AND SEIZURES, shall NOT BE VIOLATED, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by OATH OR AFFIRMATION, and PARTICULARLY describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."



NOW, almost ANY attorney or Law Enforcement Officer or legal expert will tell you that PROBABLE CAUSE CANNOT KNOWINGLY BE BASED UPON INFORMATION KNOWN TO BE FALSE. This does not mean that false information has not been used in the past BUT the key word here is KNOWINGLY.  And from everything I have heard, the DNC, the Hillary Clinton Campaign, the DOJ and the F.B.I. knew from the start that the Trump Dossier regarding so called COLLUSION with RUSSIA was a pack of made up crap.



Even information given which was obtained ILLEGALLY by the person giving the information to Law Enforcement may be used.... JUST AS LONG AS THE ILLEGALLY OBTAINED FACTS WERE NOT OBTAINED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE APPLICANT FOR THE WARRANT.



In short, the applicant for ANY SEARCH WARRANT IS REQUIRED TO TELL THE TRUTH IN THE APPLICATION FOR A WARRANT.  In this case, this rule evidently WAS NOT FOLLOWED BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION or the DOJ or the upper administrators of the F.B.I.



I can recall a number of years ago, another Detective and I received information from the owner of a third rate motel that the occupant who was renting one of his rooms was going to receive a shipment of heroin in from Tucson, Arizona on a specific bus which would arrive in three days at a specific time.  When we asked him how he knew this was going to happen, he told us that he had listened in on a phone call made by the female in his motel to a specific phone number in Tucson, AZ.

We immediately told him that what he had done was against federal law and that he should stop that practice immediately. He told us in no uncertain terms that the motel belonged to him and that since he paid the phone bills, the phones belonged to him also. He had an old time switchboard in his office and when a call either came in or went out, it had to go through his switchboard and he told us he listened in on lots of calls. We again told him that what he was doing was a violation of federal law and that he could get in big trouble and to stop that practice immediately.

We immediately contacted our District Attorney's Office and met with an Assistant AND a District Judge and told them what had transpired and both the Assistant District Attorney AND a District Judge told us that we could use the information to obtain a search warrant and to make sure that we included in the affidavit that we had told the informant NOT TO DO WHAT  HE HAD ALREADY DONE.  We applied for and obtained a search warrant and were waiting on that bus and watched the female pick up the package which was particularly described in the warrant.  We executed the warrant and seized 2 ounces of heroin and got a conviction. BUT had we tried to cover up how we obtained the information or had made up some humbug story like the DOJ did in the "Trump Dossier" fiasco, we would have been in a world of trouble.






It has become fairly recognizable that the Obama Administration used the Department of Justice as well as Federal Law Enforcement Agencies as hatchet men for their criminal administration.



As a result of the criminal acts committed by the Obama Administration; The Obama State Department; The Obama Department of Justice; The Obama F.B.I. Leadership; The Democrat National Committee; The violation of their Oaths by numerous elected officials, there should be massive firings at the federal level and many long time politicians should be REPLACED and or INDICTED.




A number of years ago in New Mexico I owned some self storage sheds and one of them was rented to a man who worked for the Federal Government.  When I purchased the units, the previous owner told me that this particular man traveled most of the year for the government and that he might fall 6 months behind on his rent but when he came back home he would not only write a check for his back rent but also more than likely write this check to cover his rent anywhere from 6 months to a year in advance.  One day I happened to be at the units to repair a door on one of them when this man came to put something in his storage unit. I introduced myself to him and he asked me if I had time to go get some coffee and visit. I did and found him to be a really interesting and well travelled person. He told me that he had been in one of the smaller Central African Countries for over a year. He said that he was there representing our government to teach the local residents new farming methods and introduce modern equipment to the people.  He said that the only other English speaking people that he had contact with were a Russian and his wife who were there for the same purpose representing Russia.  Just from listening to him I formed the opinion that he did indeed represent our government but that he was more than likely assigned to another branch other than the Agriculture Department.

I met his on several other occasions and we would eat lunch or have coffee and he was interested in my work and I was really interested in his travels all over the world, but particularly in Africa.  One day he said that one evening he and his wife were having dinner with his Russian "Counterpart" and the Russian guy told him that should any problems come up involving that particular African Nation, he (the Russian) was going to advise his government to just pull out as the country wasn't worth losing any lives over. My friend said that he told the Russian that he was going to recommend the same thing to the U.S. Government.

He said that the residents of that African country were damn near all illiterate and that simple things escaped them. He said that one of the natives might be plowing a field using a $100,000 tractor and might spot an especially edible monkey and just jump off the tractor to chase the monkey and the tractor would more than likely end up buried in a swamp or run off into a river. He said that the entire population was very tribal in their thinking patterns and the their government officials were all thieves and pretty well stole most all of the money given them by the U.S. and Russia and the people received no benefits at all.



NOW that is one story about an African Country from a man who should pretty well know about just how screwed up many of the African Countries were and still are.



On Monday, I took my wife to the doctor for a follow up visit. We had learned that this pain specialist was moving from our city and would be replaced on March 1st by another specialist and we could be on his patient list or we could change if we chose to do so. But on the visit Monday, we would visit with the Nurse Practitioner for the new doctor.  After the normal vital signs check up... blood pressure; oxygen level; and pulse, we were visited by the new Nurse Practitioner.

The Nurse Practitioner was a man. He was a young black man who was rather tall and had a very athletic build.  He introduced himself to us and I noticed immediately that he spoke with an accent BUT he was really easy to understand.  Right off the bat he mentioned that he spoke English with an accent and that if we had any problems at all understanding anything he said, to please let him know and he would do whatever it took to see that we had a complete understanding of what he was going to tell us.

He then got an oversized model of a spine and it was obvious that he had studied my wife's MRI as he was completely familiar with her back problems. He inquired as to how much her treatments had helped her pain management. He then took the time to go over some other types of treatment that could be tried should the present treatment not provide some real pain relief. He was very detailed and obviously very knowledgeable on the subject.



We spent quite a bit of time with this young man and were most impressed with his manner. Of course I asked him what his home country was and he said, Nigeria. I told him that we really appreciated the time he spent with us and that we completely understood everything he had told us. I also told him that while he spoke with a slight accent, his English grammar was better than my own and that we looked forward to seeing him in the future.

After leaving the office I was listening to some news programs which of course dwelt heavily upon the Dreamers; DACA; and "Undocumented Immigrants" (Illegal Aliens).

I then thought back to this young black African man with whom we had just dealt. I thought that this man was a prime example of the kind of person who was indeed an asset to our country. He was obviously not only well educated but also spoke excellent English.



What really gets my backside red as a baboon's behind is that the politicians when talking about amnesty and voting rights for Illegal Aliens completely miss the boat on a young man like the one with whom we had just met. If ALL African Immigrants were like that young man, we would have no problems. BUT, unfortunately they are not. 



Every time I hear one of the Open Border idiots talk about how Mexico and Central America and the other countries, particularly the Middle Eastern countries whose residents poured into our country in unbelievable numbers under the Obama Administration, are sending us their best and brightest, I have an uncontrollable urge to slap them into a coma.  The young man we met on Monday was an exception rather than the norm.






Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2)  - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -  Lonnie Shoultz,  Hap Myers- AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA 



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay,  Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 





"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  John Kasich (R-OH),  Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH),  John Hickenlooper (D-CO),  Marco Rubio (R-FL),  Rod Rosenstein DOJ  



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON,  UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News,  Juan Williams FOX News,  The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),  Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS






I was listening to a sports program last Saturday when two guys were talking about tough guys in sports. Both of them decided that Hockey players came out number one just ahead of Bull Riders.

I thought about their subject for a short time before I came to the conclusion that they must possess the I.Q. of a dead squirrel. I have known of a bunch of tough athletes for sure in just about every sport....well maybe with the exception of synchronized swimming. Football, Hockey, Boxing, Baseball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Rugby, and pretty much all have some tough folks..... BUT.... BULL RIDERS ARE ALL TOUGH. I cannot think of a single sport that requires that level of toughness at every outing.

All you need to do is watch some old films of riders who either attempted to ride or the 6 who actually did ride a bull name BODACIOUS and you would see real toughness. I still watch bull riding every chance I get and I can still remember the names of some of the really bad bulls I have seen down through the years: Little Yellow Jacket; Little Red; Sling Blade; Tombstone; and of course the baddest bull of them all... BODACIOUS. If you doubt it, just watch the ride where he broke every bone in rider Tuff Hedeman's face. Then a couple of weeks later did the same to another rider who was wearing a helmet and face mask. BODACIOUS was in 135 outings but only 6 managed to stay on for 8 seconds.



SO, while there are some tough guys in every sport, I cannot think of a single sport where every outing you have an animal weighing 1500 pounds or more attempting to dislodge you and then stomp on you. BULL RIDERS ARE THE TOUGHEST.


After the big GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN which lasted all day, it seems as if it was in fact THE DEMOCRATS/SOCIALISTS who folded like a cheap tent. Of course damn near every other time in past history, it has been the Republicans who caved in... AND... I am sure had it not been for President Trump the Republican Senators would have caved in again.



What is so hard to understand for me is how ANY ELECTED POLITICIAN at the national level can put the well being of ILLEGAL ALIENS ahead of the CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS OF  AMERICAN CITIZENS. But that is exactly what Schumer and Durbin along with Republicans Lindsey Graham and Jeff Flake have done. After one of the proposed funding bills was presented to the Senate, I listened to Senator Chuck Schumer say, "It doesn't do enough for the DREAMERS." I'm sorry but that was all I needed to hear from that bozo.


Now, I have listened to many so called political experts talking about how it would not be in President Trump's best interests to FIRE Robert Mueller prior to the end of Mueller's big so called Russian Collusion Investigation but I have yet to be convinced of this. If you allow this obviously made up so called COLLUSION INVESTIGATION to continue with the same corrupt people running the show then at some point they will find enough liars to cause the President some problems. It appears as if EVERYONE involved in this Investigative Team is bought an paid for by the Clintons and in my opinion, the entire F.B.I. investigation into the Clinton E-Mail business was to divert attention away from the real criminal in our government and that would be Barack Hussein Obama. Keep in mind, Hillary Clinton DID NOT appoint Loretta Lynch as the Attorney General... BUT Barack Obama DID.
I am convince that if these Obama/Clinton Hacks were kicked off any investigative team and the upper levels of administration in the DOJ and the F.B.I. were FIRED... not transferred or demoted but FIRED and some real Investigators were put in place that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch, James Comey and a number of others might be facing some real criminal problems.

Keep this thought in mind. None of the real Democrats/Progressives/Socialists/Marxists WILL EVER SUPPORT President Trump or anything he represents. SO, why even try to please those people. Just do what is right and to hell with the rest. I say FIRE MUELLER and his ENTIRE INVESTIGATIVE TEAM.  FIRE ANYONE IN THE D.O.J. who has supported the Clintons or Obama.  If Attorney General Jeff Sessions doesn't show some drastic improvement... fire his ass also.






And FINALLY let's form and entire new branch of federal law enforcement and call it the: D.O.J.F.B.I....... M-O-U-S-E.


Last week end I watched one of my all time favorite movies. I believe it was made in 1935, "The Lives Of A Bengal Lancer." It had a young Gary Cooper in the starring role with Franchot Tone, C. Aubrey Smith, and Sir Guy Standing in major roles. C. Aubrey Smith is one of my all time favorite British Actors. Also this past week end on TCM they showed "King Solomon's Mines" with Stewart Granger, Deborah Kerr, Richard Carlson and for the first time, Siriaque who played Umbopa of the Watussi (Tutsi) Tribe. This film was shot on location in Africa and had some really great scenery and animal shots.


OK. I have pretty much had it with BUDWEISER.  What has gone wrong with their commercials? This is the bunch who came up with the commercials using the Clydesdales and other animals in their award winning commercials and now every commercial you see has all this "Dilly, Dilly, crap" and is quite senseless.  AH, but they are not alone. I watched another commercial which I believe is for Sling TV services. This idiot Millennial girl is ordering her morning coffee with more ingredients than I can keep up with. At one point she asks for "TWO HALF PUMPS OF CARMEL."  Let's see now... 2 half pumps..... wouldn't that be the same as ONE PUMP? BUT she was a Millennial Twinkie and could not expect to figure that one out.


Then the most insulting commercial of all and I cannot even remember what the commercial is pushing but in short it says that ALL ABILITIES ARE EQUAL..... BUT.... NOT ALL OPPORTUNITIES ARE EQUAL.  I think they have that ass backwards.  ALL ABILITIES ARE NOT EQUAL.  ALL OPPORTUNITIES ARE SAID TO BE EQUAL.  But in reality, pure EQUALITY is a myth. And it is damn sure a myth when it is applied to abilities.  Some people are more intelligent than others.  Some people are more dedicated than others.  Some people are more talented than others.  Some people TRY HARDER than others. BUT EQUALITY seems to be the big buzz term that the Liberals/Democrats/Socialists want to push off to the rest of us.

Several years ago, I had three young S. Korean girls in the car taking them to the grocery store. I had the radio on one of the talk radio stations and the host posed this question:  "Which is more important.... EQUALITY or FREEDOM?"  Well I knew what my answer would be but I turned the radio volume down and posed that question to those 3 S. Korean girls.  Without hesitation they ALL said that FREEDOM was more important because without FREEDOM there could be no chance of EQUALITY in ANYTHING. So it seems that many young S. Korean girls have a better grasp on matters than most of our politicians









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January 17th, 2018  FOOLING PEOPLE  / BLAME

WEDNESDAY - January 17, 2018



Greetings once again from the President Of Jingoistic Second Amendment Supporters From West Texas






A number of years back, another Detective and I arrested a young man as he was leaving a residence with several items of stolen property. A neighbor had watched him break into the back door of the residence using some kind of tool, which we also recovered. After his arrest and booking procedure, we looked up several recent residential burglaries in which the perpetrator had entered the residences in the identical way this guy had on the evening he was arrested. So, we checked him out of jail and advised him of his rights, which he waived and agreed to talk with us. I told him that he was charged with Burglary Of A Residence which was a felony. I additionally told him that there had been four other burglaries committed in the same general area and that I knew in my own mind that he had committed those burglaries. I told him that if he would cooperate and help us get the property stolen in those burglaries so we could return it to the owners that I would tell the Assistant District Attorney of his cooperation and that I would request that he not be prosecuted in those additional cases... BUT... it all depended upon recovering ALL of the stolen property. This young man agreed to do this. SO he took us to the locations where he had concealed the property from those other burglaries and we recovered every single item.

This was this young man's first arrest for anything and I called the Assistant District Attorney and told him of the young man's cooperation and the Assistant District Attorney agreed that no additional charges should be file. The young man was appointed an attorney which in this case was the Public Defender's Office and his appointed attorney was a brand new attorney assigned to the Public Defender's Office.



A few days later, this new Public Defender and her Public Defender Investigator came to the police station and requested to speak with me. I invited them into my office at which time she advised me that she was going to file an official complaint on me for... now get this..... for FOOLING HER CLIENT. I asked her to tell me how I had FOOLED HER CLIENT and she said that the way I had talked with him that he probably thought we had additional evidence on him on the burglaries in which he was not charged thereby FOOLING HIM into helping us recover the stolen property from those burglaries.



She then told me that she would give me FIVE MINUTES in which time I was to write out an excuse for my actions. It was all I could do to keep from laughing in her face. I also told her that I had not said one single word which was not true to her client and that THE POLICE FOOLED CRIMINALS ALMOST EVERY DAY AND THAT FOOLING A CRIMINAL WAS NOT AGAINST THE LAW NOR AGAINST POLICE PROCEDURE. Also along about this time I became a bit pissed at her attitude and told her that anything she needed to say to me any further on this matter should be said in court. I also advised her that before she made a bigger fool of herself than she already had, she might check with other attorneys in her own office; or check with any of the attorneys in the District Attorney's Office; or a Magistrate Judge; or a District Judge; or just about any private attorney who had been out of law school more than one week. I then told her that she had given me FIVE MINUTES to prepare a written statement and that I WAS NOT going to do that AND that on a different subject, I was going to give her and her Investigator TWO MINUTES TO GET THEIR ASSES OUT OF MY OFFICE. They did exactly that. Could I have put it differently? Absolutely. BUT my way was much more effective and achieved immediate results.

NOW, I am sure that my final statement could have been a bit milder BUT they had not been very polite to me so I figured I owed them NOTHING.



Now moving along, later on, I was interviewing another burglary suspect who lived right across the street from a residential burglary. The burglar in this instance had broken into the house using a tire iron to break a window and had left the tire iron at the scene. This guy was in jail on an unrelated charge but since he had previous burglary convictions and the victim's house was directly across the street from where he lived, I thought he might have done the crime. SO, after being advised of his rights and signing a waiver, I brought in the tire iron that had been used in the burglary; I also brought in 3 or 4 of my own fingerprints which looked like they had been lifted at a crime scene; I also brought in a set of the suspects fingerprints in his arrest file. I laid them all in front of the suspect and said the following:

This tire iron was used to break into the house across the street from where you live.

What would you say if I told you that we were able to lift some fingerprints off of the tire iron?

What would you say if I told you that those fingerprints from belonged to someone right here in this in this room?

At that point I laid out his arrest file along with his own fingerprints.

The look on his face told me all I needed to know and he started sweating and burst out saying, DAMN! I knew I shouldn't have left that tire iron in that house.

He then confessed to that burglary and told us where he had gotten rid of the property.




NOW, I told those stories to point out the fact that I truly believe that President Donald Trump is FOOLING the Democrats AND idiot Republicans like Lindsey Graham and several others and that NONE of those people have a clue that they are being had at every turn.

No, they are more interested in President Trump calling Haiti, El Salvador, and several African Countries.... NO, not SHXX HOLE COUNTRIES but SHITHOLE COUNTRIES. I was not in the room when he allegedly made those statements but I have heard a couple of Republicans say that they never heard him make those references...however Lindsey Graham AND SENATOR DICK DURBIN(D-IL) both say he did. OK, let's just suppose for a moment that he did make that statement in that particular way.... SO WHAT? Yes he could have used some milder terms but please spare me the indignity shown by Dick Durbin who made the statement that he had NEVER HEARD LANGUAGE LIKE THAT USED in settings like that. REALLY? Funny, I seem to remember hearing then Vice President Joe Biden use much stronger language than that when he was unaware of a nearby microphone being hot. I can remember lots of times when elected officials have used intemperate language and derogatory terms when they were unaware of live microphone in the area. ALSO, if President Trump DID in fact make those references to Haiti, El Salvador, and African Countries, they were made behind closed doors and it wouldn't even be a matter for discussion had not DURBIN and GRAHAM and a few others let it out. Could President Trump have used less derogatory language YES. BUT, and here is the real key........ WAS HIS DESCRIPTION ACCURATE? And the answer is overwhelmingly YES! AH, but on Monday, someone else who was present said that President Trump actually referred to some of those countries as SHITHOUSE COUNTRIES. Either term is 100% CORRECT!



I seem to remember Democrat President Harry Truman using some fairly strong language on a number of occasions. I also seem to remember General George S. Patton using some fairly strong language on lots of occasions. I have heard tapes of Democrat President LYNDON B. JOHNSON using some extremely strong and profane language. AH, but I don't guess that counts.



ANYWAY, if that term...."SHITHOLE COUNTRY" offends Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham then all I can say is that they have led some really sheltered lives. Just exactly what do those two vermin think Haiti is? An Island Paradise?"



It is about time that the American Public stop listening to the mainstream media and politicians like Dick Durbin, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Jeff Flake, Nancy Pelosi and a whole host of other professional politicians and start paying attention as to what the majority of the American People desire.... AND... I can guarantee you that it IS NOT and overwhelming desire to allow millions of people from HAITI, EL SALVADOR, SUDAN, LIBYA, SOMALIA, IRAN, SYRIA and several other African and Middle Eastern countries to enter into our country.... especially in an illegal manner.



If Dick Durbin was incensed at President Trump's use of the word "SHITHOLE" then he should stay clear of any sports locker room or any Bobby Knight basketball practice session or the scene of any high danger search warrant or any military operation. But what I would rather see is Dick Durbin and the other vermin I have mentioned stay away from Washington, D.C. and the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House..... PERMANENTLY.



AND I am still convinced that President Trump is messing with the minds of those idiots.




I am sure that pretty well everyone has heard about the false alarm on a Nuclear Attack put out by the group responsible for monitoring those events in Hawaii. AND I'm sure we have all heard that it took 38 minutes to make a public retraction of that false alarm. Pretty well right off the bat, the Governor of Hawaii, A DEMOCRAT/SOCIALIST, claimed responsibility for this false alarm as it was initiated by a STATE EMPLOYEE. NOT AN EMPLOYEE OF THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION. However, the media mutts have been screaming at the top of their lungs that TRUMP NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. I heard one report that laid the complete blame for this false alarm on President Trump and his Administration.



OK, let me explain this so that perhaps even the residents of The People's Republic of San Francisco might grasp what I am saying. I do not know how long that our present system of early warning has been in place BUT I do know that Donald Trump has been in office for approximately ONE YEAR and I am fairly sure that he WAS NOT RESPONSIBLE for the current system. Apparently in many States, the early warning systems are manned by STATE EMPLOYEES. AND I don't believe that ANY STATE checks with President Trump on their hiring systems.

ALSO, as I understand it, this Hawaii State Employee pushed the WRONG BUTTON which got the ball rolling in the wrong direction. I also listened to several residents of the DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED STATE OF HAWAII claiming that when they were made aware of this alleged Nuclear Attack that they DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. One resident said that there are NO BOMB SHELTERS on the Islands. OK, is that Donald Trump's fault?



When you have human beings involved in any type of activity, there is always the chance of HUMAN ERROR, whether it is misreading a message or inadvertently pushing the wrong button or throwing the wrong switch. Funny but I don't seem to hear the Democrats/Progressives/Socialists being all that critical of Senator John McCain accidentally dropping his bombs on the deck of the carrier to which he was assigned.



I cannot begin to tell you how many times local tornado warning sirens have been accidentally set off in cities all over the nation. BUT our present lying media vermin are all overly anxious to try and BLAME President Trump for this false nuclear alert. Hey! Wait a minute! Could it be that the State Government of Hawaii is a SHITHOLE OPERATION? Inquiring minds want to know.



This IS NOT the worst foul up in the history of the world and yes, steps should be taken to insure that chances of it occurring again are as remote as possible. 





Tony Aguilar, Mary Vigil,  Joe & Ruth Lucero, Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters, Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop, Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,  Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy, Judy Langham,  Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,  Zak Krejci, Debra Blake, Mary Denson, Randy Jones,  Don Weaver,  Sherry Welch, Shirley Boatright,  John Palmer, Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2), Judi Lane - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL - Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak, Alan Miller, Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez, Kate Nolan - FL - L.T. Drennan - OK -  Lynn Jones - NE - Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban, Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD - Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard, Bette Miller, Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ - Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters, Suzie Dove, Weston Lord, Ken Welty, Greg Orr - CA -  Keith Chambers, Nancy Chambers, LANA Athey, Vicki Watson - CO -  Hal Whitmore - DE - Herb Johnston - NY -  Lonnie Shoultz - AL -  Jim Pinney, Carol Pinney, James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old), Bill Stafford, Katie Houser - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -  RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA - CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI Tyler Seddon - RI - Billie Beckman - MN, Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN  David Williams - PA



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler, CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler) SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English, GySgt. Eric Harmon, LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien, MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart - US MARINE CORPS - Kenneth Thomas - USCG  A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown, MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE - Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG - Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY - Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay, Lt. Russell Brown,  CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret), E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO), LT Ethan English, - US NAVY - Bud Barnett - USNA 74 - SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES - MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan, Michael B. Hudgens,  Scott Hillyer, Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck, LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA - Gary and Cindy Hogman, Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 





"Virtuous motives, trammeled by inertia and timidity, are no match for armed and resolute wickedness.".............. WINSTON CHURCHILL



"The story of the human race is war. Except for brief and precarious interludes there has never been peace in the world."......... WINSTON CHURCHILL



"War is horrible, but slavery is worse.".......... WINSTON CHURCHILL



"The great men who founded the American Constitution embodied this separation of authority in the STRONGEST AND MOST DURABLE FORM. Not only did they divide executive, legislative and judicial functions, but also by institution a federal system they preserved immense and SOVEREIGN RIGHTS TO LOCAL COMMUNITIES and by all these means they have preserved -- often at some inconvenience -- a system of law and liberty under which they have thrived and reached the leadership of the world."........ WINSTON CHURCHILL (Apparently Mr. Churchill did not view our Constitution as a Living, Breathing, Ever Changing Document) 



"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.... Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama, Michelle Obama, George Soros, Louis Farrakhan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson, Leon Panetta,  Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts, John McCain (R-AZ), Jeff Flake (R-AZ) Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chuck Schumer,  Rahm Emanuel,  Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,  COLIN POWELL ( R) , Michael Moore,  Lindsey Graham,  Al Gore,  Chuck Hagel, Dick Durbin,  Andrew Cuomo Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,  Susan Collins R-ME, Patrick Leahy,   Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,  John Cornyn R-TX, Mitch McConnell R-KY,  Lisa Murkowski R-AK,  Robert Menendez NJ, Al Franken D-MN, Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Patty Murray WA, Henry Waxman CA, Linda Sanchez CA, Maxine Waters D-CA, Wendy Davis D-TX, Elijah Cummings D-MD, NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,  Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,  Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),  Orin Hatch (R-UT),  Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Deval Patrick (D-MA),  Jerry Brown (D-CA),  Julia Pierson, Rep. Al Green (D-TX), Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,  Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),  FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),  Hank Johnson (D-GA), Huma Mahmood Abedin,  Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,  Anthony Weiner, CORY BOOKER (D-NJ), JOHN LEWIS (D-GA), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL), James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR, SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick, Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA), Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL, Terry McAuliffe (D-VA), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Mark Warner (D-VA), Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.), Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),  Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA), John Kasich (R-OH), Luis Gutierrez (D- IL). Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rod Rosenstein DOJ



MSNBC, ACLU, Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON, UNITED NATIONS,  Jane Fonda, LA RAZA, MOVEON.ORG,  PETA, CAIR,  BOB COSTAS (NBC), The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM), CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,   Republican National Committee (RNC),  NBC, CBS, CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,  NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women), Patricia Ireland, Planned Parenthood, Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News, Juan Williams FOX News, The Washington Redskins Football Team, James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control), Shepard Smith FOX News,  BLACK LIVES MATTER, THE SIERRA CLUB, Megyn Kelly NBC, Quentin Tarantino, The University of Missouri,  Kirsten Powers FOX News, Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms), Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.), Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone, ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama), Kathy Griffin, Charles Krauthammer FOX News, Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS






Over the past couple of weeks I have watched several movies which I liked a lot featuring one of my very favorite actors.... ROBERT RYAN. The first was "The Day Of The Outlaw" which had a really good cast of character actors and his co-star was Burl Ives, who I liked in pretty much every role he played. This was a black and white Western and I am not sure where it was filmed but there was lots of snow on the ground and just watching it made you very cold.



The second ROBERT RYAN movie that I also really liked was titled "Inferno" and this movie had Ryan cast as a wealthy business man who was left in the mountains with a broken leg by his wife and guide who was also the wife's lover. The wife was played by Rhonda Fleming whom I always thought was absolutely one of the most beautiful women EVER. In this movie, a great deal of it was Robert Ryan by himself talking to himself and planning on what he was going to do if he made it back to civilization. It sort of reminded me of the old Spencer Tracy movie, "The Old Man And The Sea" in which Tracy was by himself on his boat fighting a huge swordfish and later on fighting off the sharks who were trying to eat the Old Man's catch.



Some of my absolute favorite Robert Ryan roles were in "The Wild Bunch" which was not only LOADED with big name stars but was also directed by Sam Peckinpah who directed some really great action pictures. He was also really great in one of my all time favorite movies "Bad Day At Black Rock" which I saw fairly recently. Another movie LOADED with top stars. The Turner Classic Movie Channel did a biography on Robert Ryan and it was narrated by Ernest Borgnine who appeared in several movies with Robert Ryan. Ryan enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 1944.



I also managed to watch the 1952 version of "The Prisoner of Zenda" which had Stewart Granger and Deborah Kerr in starring roles. Also, the movie had been made in 1937 with Ronald Coleman in the starring role. The script and music for BOTH movies were IDENTICAL. Some say that the 1937 version was great and the 1952 version was not as good but I would argue that fact. Stewart Granger was GREAT in every role he played and this one was no exception.

I also watched an old black and white movie that I had never seen before which had some pretty darn good actors. It featured a young Mickey Rooney in a serious role. It was really a well done movie. Some of the other stars were Frank Morgan (The Wizard of Oz), Van Johnson, and Donna Reed. When you are home sick in bed, old movies are a real plus.


A death this week of one of my all time FAVORITE SPORTS ANNOUNCERS. That would be Keith Jackson who broadcast lots of sporting events but was best known as announcing College Football. He was a class act if there ever was one. He created lots of terms used by others in the announcing game but I remember Keith Jackson being an original. I was watching a football game many years ago and it was a Southwest Conference game between the University of Texas and either TCU or SMU or one of the other Southwest Conference teams. The other team took over the ball in Texas territory and I remember as the Texas Defensive line ran onto the field, Keith Jackson made the statement that Coach Darryl Royal was bringing out the "BIG UGLYS" and I thought that was a great description for bid defensive linemen. I always enjoyed listening to games which he was the lead broadcaster. I always ranked him right up there with KERN TIPS who still remains as THE GREATEST RADIO FOOTBALL ANNOUNCER EVER TO DRAW A BREATH. I shall miss Keith Jackson who was 89 at the time of death.


I also saw an interview with the lady who is the Homeland Security Secretary who was in attendance at the CLOSED DOOR meeting where President Trump allegedly called Haiti, El Salvador and several African Nations SHITHOLE COUNTRIES. This lady said that almost everyone in the meeting... DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS alike used profanity on a number of occasions. I guess that Dick Durbin must not have been paying attention. Let us just look at some things which go on in a number of those nations to which President Trump's alleged statements were directed:



1) Most of the citizens are ILLITERATE in their own country's language

2) Citizens subsiding on food from garbage dumps

3) Honor killings

4) Child prostitution

5) Child marriage

6) Open slave markets

7) Gangs more powerful than government

8) Genital mutilation

9) Drinking water from sewage drainage

10) Child soldiers

11) Rampant disease



SO the term credited to President Trump appears to be rather accurate and actually a bit milder than I would put it.


Also, it is rather apparent that the news media and the Liberals/Socialists in Congress are more interested in President Trump's medical check up than they are in doing the job to which they were elected. The Democrats keep threatening the American Public with a GOVERNMENT SHUT DOWN. Now they would have you believe that this GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN would mean an immediate halt to the funding of our Military; the payment of Social Security Benefits; and just a general closing of all government offices. This is.... how shall I put it....... pure bovine fecal material? I put it that way so as not to shock Dick Durbin. A very few NON ESSENTIAL personnel will be put on leave but as I understand it, it is paid leave. SO, this is just another LIE they Democrats/Socialists/Marxists and the news media are trying to sell to the public.


AND, for all of those who thought Lindsey Graham had changed colors and was now backing President Trump, I hope his actions and words over the past couple of days has removed any doubt whatsoever that he is a pure Varmint even though he says he is a Republican. He is in fact a DemocRAT at heart.


In short, I believe the present Senate and House of Representatives under Republican leadership are about as effective as performing CPR on a mummy.






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WEDNESDAY - January 10, 2018



Greetings from a Very Tired But Still Jingoistic Right Wing Conspirator.



First of all, I really appreciate all of the e-mails; phone calls; and cards from everyone who are sending my wife and I their good thoughts and prayers regarding our present health situation.  In answer to a couple of questions, although we have both received our flu shots for this year, our doctor, who has had the same illness, seems to think that it might be some new form of flu on which the regular flu shots do not have any effect. We have exhibited every type of upper respiratory problem known to the medical world along with fever and body aches and probably the worst cough I have ever experienced along with a horrible sore throat. In the early stages I coughed so long and so hard that it was actually difficult to breathe. And trying to lie down in bed just wasn't happening. Of course we tried all of the over the counter meds and finally when I went to the doctor I received a shot and two prescription meds to take. They seemed to work fairly well in giving me a little relief and enabling me to sleep for a few hours a night. Then my wife came down with the same thing and mine took a turn back so we both went to the doctor. We are both taking new prescription meds along with some strong over the counter medications and we both are improving.  The doctor said that her illness lasted for about six weeks and she had seen some folks who were sick with these same symptoms for up to ten weeks.  I am just about to finish my third week and am at least able to sleep all night.



I have received e-mails from all over the U.S. from friends who have experienced the same illness or has had a family member or friend who has been down with this flu like illness.  I have not had the flu in about 20 years or so and this sure feels like the flu on steroids. Anyway, many thanks to all of you for your prayers; e-mails; phone calls; cards; and flowers. I am hoping to be back at full strength in a week or so.  Until I came down with this stuff I managed to exercise at least 6 days every week, either walking or riding a bicycle every day.  I miss being able to do that and am really looking forward to getting back on my regular program.




Let me first of all start by pointing out that over my 45 years in law enforcement I have known and worked with quite a number of Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  Many I have considered close friends and I have been fortunate enough to have worked on several fairly high profile criminal cases with some of these Agents. I can truthfully say that during my career working with a large number of F.B.I. Agents, I only met one for whom I had very little respect and that was very late in my career. Not only were the Agents I knew really top of the line law enforcement officers but their training facilities and their training classes were second to none.  I was also fortunate enough to attend a two week Hostage Negotiation Seminar at Quantico, VA back in about 1987 or so and I continued to be impressed with their facilities and their personnel. A few years later I was fortunate enough to have some exposure in a rather high profile case with the Behavioral Science section and some of their top Agents.  I also worked many cases with other Federal Law Enforcement Agencies; The Secret Service; The Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms; and the Federal Drug Enforcement Agencies which underwent a number of name changes over the years.  During those years I never once had any doubts as to the honesty or integrity of any of the Federal Agents from any of those Federal Agencies.



And also during those years, the leadership and Bureau Heads of all of those Agencies were some of the most trusted people in our country. During those years I also had the honor to work many cases with various State, County, and City Law Enforcement Agencies and had some excellent experiences with those Officers and Agencies.

BUT, like any other organization, there is always the possibility of a bad apple making its way into the bunch. And I fear that this is the case in the past few years with many Federal Agencies and many State and Local Agencies whose leadership roles have been filled with people more interested in political clout than they are with doing the job for which they were hired.



Just from what I have seen and heard on the news reports over the past year or so, I cannot understand why the Department of Justice under a Republican President and a Republican Attorney General have not pursued an Investigation into Hillary Clinton and her staff; The Clinton Foundation; The Democrat National Committee; and other Obama Administration hacks who have obviously violated Federal Law as well as many State Laws, I imagine.

I know that we can all remember James Comey and his glowing report on Hillary Clintons e-mail mishaps. Even back in late 2016, prior to the election Comey admitted that Hillary Clinton was extremely negligent in her handling of her e-mail accounts some of which contained CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.  Then we learned that James Comey prepared his letter pretty much exonerating Hillary from any prosecution. And we learned that this letter was prepared PRIOR to Hillary Clinton and other key witnesses being interviewed.



 Then we learn that the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton were responsible for causing the preparation of a phony Dossier on Donald Trump which accused him of a number of acts involving the Russians prior to the 2016 Presidential Elections. AND we learned that some of the obvious lies in this Dossier were more than likely used to obtain FISA Wiretap Warrants.



NOW it has been a while since I have been involved in a Title III Wiretap Warrant BUT as I recall your Probably Cause for the Title III Warrant had to be TRUTHFUL and ACCURATE.  I have never obtained a FISA Warrant but I cannot believe that FALSE INFORMATION is the standard for obtaining one of these warrants.

We have watched this Special Council, Robert Mueller with a team of PRO CLINTON HACKS do everything in their power to show so called "Russian Collusion" by Donald Trump and members of his political team and as of this time have come up BLANK.  Could it possibly be that the reason for this is that the TRUMP/RUSSIA COLLUSION story is all based upon lies put forth by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the DNC?



I am completely convinced that if our Department of Justice and our Attorney General, Jeff Sessions would get off their dead asses and appoint some Honest F.B.I. Investigators and some Honest U.S. Assistant District Attorneys and turn them loose on a real INVESTIGATION into these matters that some Indictments against the Clintons and other prominent Democrats would be forthcoming.



At this point, I am becoming a bit disenchanted with our Attorney General who seems to talk a better game than he plays. It is also becoming fairly apparent that these Senate and House Investigating Committees are a complete joke and produce pretty much NOTHING.



I can guarantee you that I know probably over 100 Investigators...active and retired who could dig up mountains of evidence if they had the wherewithal and the backing of the DOJ. And I know also that there are probably hundreds of F.B.I. Agents... active and retired who could do the same.



President Trump needs to appoint another Attorney General and that new Attorney General needs to fire more than half of his staff. ALSO, a brand new head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation needs to get rid of some of his problem Agents. There have been way too many leaks which have been traced back to certain F.B.I. Personnel as well as DOJ Personnel.



UNTIL that part of the SWAMP is DRAINED and prosecution pursued.... I am afraid that the Clintons and the Obamas and other professional politicians will have beat the system.




Although I have been pretty much sick in bed for the better part of 4 weeks, I was able to be fairly alert for a couple of College Championship football games.

The first one was the FCS ( I don't have the slightest idea what the letters stand for) Championship game between the defending Champion James Madison Dukes and the North Dakota State Bison. I believe that including this year's game, North Dakota State has won something like 6 out of the last 7 or 8 championships in this particular bracket.  Although they were once again the underdogs, North Dakota State once more won this Championship by a score of 17 - 13.  It was a close game all the way and up for grabs up until the last minute or so.  This particular Championship game is now played every year in Frisco, Texas which has a great facility and lots of football fans.



Of course on Monday, January 8th, I along with most football fans in America was glued to the TV set for the FBS (same here) Championship Game between the two NCAA Division I teams. Of course this year they were both from the Southeast Conference with the teams being Alabama and Georgia.  Since I really didn't have a dog in that fight I was able to watch the game without going into shock when my chosen team screwed up.

I actually thought that Georgia had the best overall team with a really exceptional running game; good passing game; and a really good defense.  And in the first half this was the case. BUT at the beginning of the second half, Alabama Coach Nick Saban replaced his starting quarterback with a young freshman who was thought to be a better passer than the starter. AND in fact, he was a better passer but also an excellent runner. And, if you watched the game I am sure you were about as surprised as I when that young freshman took the game into overtime with Georgia kicking a field goal in overtime to take the lead. Then on first down when Alabama got the ball, the freshman quarterback got sacked behind the 40 yard line which effectively took them out of field goal range.  Then with second and about 28 yards to go for a first, that same freshman threw a perfect pass to his receiver for the winning touchdown.



I am sure the Georgia fans are still in shock and the Alabama fans are still dancing in the street.



As I said, not really having a dog in that fight I was just happy that it was a really good and exciting game with a story book finish.









Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2),  Judi Lane - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -   Lonnie Shoultz - AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford,  Katie Houser - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA 



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay, Lt. Tommy Brown, Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 





"Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard, don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like.".............. ALAN M. DERSCHOWITZ



"I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.".......... FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT



"The Constitution preserves the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation where the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms."................... JAMES MADISON



"As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of THE CHILDREN, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.".................... ADOLPH HITLER, Mein Kampf 



"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  John Kasich (R-OH),  Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Rod Rosenstein DOJ



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON,  UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News,  Juan Williams FOX News,  The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),  Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS






OK. I heard clips from President Trump's meeting with Republican and Democrat lawmakers. A meeting in which he allowed the MEDIA to remain pretty much through the whole proceedings.  I am confused to say the least but after the meeting when I heard Democrat/Socialist/Marxist politicians talk about how they pretty much got what they wanted, I began to think that perhaps this is exactly what President Trump wanted these vermin to think. I am not sure what his strategy is but I have to believe that he has a final move in this chess game that will put their asses in the cheap seats.



What really got my backside red as a three ball was when I heard Democrat/Progressive/Socialist Steny Hoyer (D-MD) say that EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT IN WASHINGTON SUPPORTS BORDER SECURITY.  What a joke. Most all of the Democrat politician vermin I know support OPEN BORDERS.



ANYWAY, I am confused as to President Trump's game but I feel as if he is up to something which the Democrats won't know what it is when it hits them.


NO! I did not watch the Golden Globe Awards. NO! I did not hear Oprah Winfrey's speech. But I have read several articles in the (Sub) Standard Times which are strongly suggesting that Oprah Winfrey might indeed be the Democrat/Progressive/Marxist candidate for President in 2020.  We can only hope. I realize that Oprah Winfrey has had lots of success in movies and television and I am sure has at least a moderate amount of business sense but I think that those political vermin would eat her for breakfast.


I have about had my fill of these idiots on television advertising Ancestry.Com and other sites where one can check their ancestry through DNA and other means. Let me see if I can put this all into context.

I knew both my Parents and almost all of my Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins for a couple of generations. I knew both of my Grandmothers but both of my Grandfathers passed away before I was born. I have only heard stories of my Great Grandparents. I know my Daughter and my Grandchildren and my Great Grandchildren.  I am not completely sure that it would improve my life or my financial status if I had information regarding my ancient relatives.

Most of the idiots we see on television show us a pie chart which shows that their DNA tests show that they are 12% Native American with other fairly insignificant ethnic groups mentioned in varying percentages. I personally do not know if I have any American Indian blood in my ancestry.  If I do, I hope I am related to the last Comanche War Chief, Quanah Parker. I think from what I have read about him that he and I have about the same level of tolerance for stupid people. Or I would hope that I might be related to old time Buffalo Hunter Billy Dixon who is famous for his "Mile Long Shot" at the Battle of Adobe Walls where the Kiowa and Comanche Indian forces under the leadership of Quanah Parker were soundly defeated.  Going back to the War for American Independence I would hope that I would be related to General Daniel Morgan or Patrick Henry or James Madison or George Washington. My Grandfather on my Father's Side of the family was named James Washington Murphy so maybe I am somewhere down the line.

However, regardless of my background and my ancestry, I am who I am and should I find out that I am a distant relative of the great Zulu King, Shaka, I doubt that my outlook on things would undergo a significant change. I like people who tell the truth and I deplore people who constantly try to change the United States Constitution into a "Living Breathing Document."



When you get right down to it, I think all this credit score crap and all this Ancestry.Com junk boils down to is a way for others to obtain personal information on us. And like Homey D. Clown..... "I don't play 'dat." 



Also I would be rather elated should I find out that I was related to John Wayne, Clint Eastwood or William F. Buckley.



Some of the people on my Mother's side of the family whom I knew as a small boy were named Holly. Joe Holly was a fiddle player for Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys. Some of my cousins told me years ago that we were distantly related to Buddy Holly but I don't know that for sure.  I only know that I really liked his music.



ANYWAY, I shall NOT be sending in any blood samples or urine samples or stool samples to Ancestry.Com.  I would however be willing to send in a truck load of stool samples to the Clinton Foundation.




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January 3rd, 2018  BOWLS / PROGRAMMING

WEDNESDAY - January 3, 2018



Hello and Happy New Year from the West Texas Association Of Jingoistic Fed Up Americans.



Let me begin by saying that I was actually sick in bed from Friday evening, December 22nd through Monday, January 1st. Even by old fashioned math that is 10 days. And that means 10 days without eating regularly, exercising, or sleeping like a normal human being. I actually coughed so much that I could not sleep more than 40 minutes at a stretch and went several nights with practically no sleep at all. I did go to the doctor who told me that this was a whole new strain of infection that was going around and that she had herself come down with it and took her 10 days to get back to feeling semi-normal.  I am now at the semi-normal stage and urge anyone who comes down with what they think is a simple sore throat to seek some medical help immediately. None of the over-the-counter medications worked and I did get a shot at the doctor's office and 2 prescription medications, one being an anti-biotic which I have to still take once a day until they run out and the other being a prescription cough medicine which contained codeine and was the absolute WORST TASTING medicine I have ever taken. BUT all of the stuff seems to be working and I hope to be at full strength in a few days. I am very sore all over and my ribs and chest still are sore from all the coughing. BUT being still a fan of high school and college football I not only managed to struggle through 12 Texas High School Championship Games but was able to watch several of the bowl games.


FIRST OF ALL.  There are too damn many college bowl games. It is a sad day when you have two teams with 6 & 6 records go head on in one of the plethora of bowl games, many with names which mean nothing to me at all. But the real tragedy is that many of these old bowl games now have no meaning at all in the college football picture. An example is the COTTON BOWL which is played now in the Dallas suburb of Arlington had two good teams, each at 11 -2, but had no local interest in the State of Texas. The old COTTON BOWL always had the winner of the old Southwest Conference playing a top invited team from another area.  This year's COTTON BOWL had Southern California playing Ohio State. Now stop and think of how far the fans of those two teams had to travel to watch the game live. And I can assure you that few football fans in the State of Texas gave a damn about either of these two teams.



BUT in all fairness I did watch 4 bowl games that I pretty well enjoyed. I watched the TEXAS BOWL from Houston which had the University of Texas (6-6) playing the University of Missouri who I believe was  8-5. I really didn't think Texas deserved to be in a bowl game but in all fairness they led both Oklahoma and Southern California in the 4th quarter of those two games which they lost. BUT Texas did look fairly good in the TEXAS BOWL and I was pleased with the outcome.



Now on New Year's Day I watched the PEACH BOWL from Atlanta and it was a really good game. UCF (The University of Central Florida) and the only UNDEFEATED Division I school, played Auburn (10-2) who had defeated Alabama earlier in the year. Two really quality teams and UCF won the game by a touchdown but the game went back and forth with either team being in a position to win.  Then I watched the ROSE BOWL which featured Oklahoma (11-1) vs. Georgia (11-1). This was one of the most exciting games I have seen all year. It seemed as if Oklahoma was on their way to blowing Georgia away but Georgia held on and erased a 17 point deficit to tie the game which went into double overtime with Georgia prevailing.  Georgia, I must say, was a better team than I had originally thought and sure deserved to be in the 4 team playoff.  After that I watched Alabama pretty well handle the #1 ranked Clemson Tigers to win the SUGAR BOWL. All in all a good day of college football.

BUT, the absolute best game I watched from my sick bed was not a college game but rather a Texas High School Class 5A Division I State Championship Game between Highland Park High School (Dallas) and Manvel. This game was a "barn burner" It went back and forth with Manvel leading Highland Park by 3 to 10 points most of the second half. Then in the 4th quarter, Highland Park pulled within 3 points and got the ball back and scored a touchdown to go up by 4 points with less than 1 minute left in the 4th quarter. BUT that was enough time for Manvel to come back and complete a pass at the Highland Park 1 yard line as time ran out giving Highland Park a 53-49 win over Manvel. It was one of the BEST football games I have ever seen at any level.



In an earlier Class 2 Division II Championship Game the Muenster Hornets beat the Tenaha Tigers 37-30 in a really well played game. BUT what made this of real interest is the fact that in 2017 Muenster won their Class State Championships in Football, Basketball, and Baseball. And that is plenty tough to do. There were a couple of kids on the Muenster team who played on all three state championship teams.






For at least 10 days I was not subjected to the 24 hour news cycle to which we have been exposed. But I noticed that after the first of the year, our Cable Company has cut seven of our commercial free movie channels and I don't know what the replacement will be but without those seven channels, the only commercial free channel we get now is the Turner Classic Movie Channel. Now while I pretty much despise Ted Turner, his TMC Channel is one of the real good ones. I have noticed that many of the really good channels in the past have gone to Hell in a hand basket. The History Channel seems to be caught up with hour after hour of Pawn Stars and American Pickers which are in fact not History at all but rather some really bad Reality TV. They are highly predictable and not interesting at all. A damn shame.

Now, the National Geographic Wild Channel which has been one of my absolute favorites for the past couple of years has lost their way.  From 11 AM on December 30, 2017 until 10:30 AM on January 7, 2018 this once great channel is showing nothing but hour long programs on "The Incredible Dr. Pol."  First of all the show isn't all that good but 8 solid days of it makes me want to burst into flames.



The old AMC (American Movie Classics) Channel which at one time showed classic old movies commercial free is now caught up in "The Walking Dead" series. I have about had it with the Zombie culture.



Now while I am a fan of high school and college basketball, the channels are overrun with way too many college games and I am pretty well convinced that other than the "March Madness", playoffs, television will give us an overdose of college basketball just as they have done in football and the endless number of senseless bowl games.



I do try and watch Professional Ice Hockey and some college hockey particularly when the Colorado Avalanche are playing as our daughter knows a number of the players and their families from that team.



I have noticed that for a good while almost everyone you see has their head buried in an electronic device and never pay attention as to where they are going. I also notice the it seems that particularly the Millennials have to depend on some EMOJI to recognize anything at all. If we have a society that depends upon visual and virtual images in order to understand something, the art of IMAGINATION will rapidly disappear. Growing up and reading as much as I did, I had my own idea of what the characters in books looked like. I had my own ideas about the places and worlds described by authors.  This is a dangerous thing to lose the ability to imagine your own ideas of things.

Also in the PROGRAMMING vein, I have noticed that even FOX News has the same contributors on night after night. When they are introduced, I already know what position they are going to take.  FAIR AND BALANCED BE DAMNED!  HOW ABOUT JUST REPORTING THE TRUTH. FOX News has been our last hope on television and they are rapidly becoming as predictable as the Democrat Party.






Tony Aguilar,  Mary Vigil,   Joe & Ruth Lucero,  Ted Salgado, Raoul McPeters,  Marshall Newman, Cindy van Der Sterre -NM - Ella Dunlop,  Kaleigh Paige Hudgens,   Maria Tupaz, Bernice Murphy,  Judy Langham,   Liz Deguren, Roger Tucker,    Zak Krejci,  Debra Blake,  Mary Denson,  Randy Jones,   Don Weaver,   Sherry Welch,  Shirley Boatright,   John Palmer,  Bobby Black, Kaylee King (2),  Judi Lane - TX - Sr. Delphine Grigas (100 years old) - IL -  Paul & Debby Gula, Mike Burkebak,  Alan Miller,  Debbie McKeown, Violet Fermin, Carlos Fernandez,  Kate Nolan - FL -  L.T. Drennan - OK -   Lynn Jones - NE -  Gladys Beasley, Barbara Urban,  Martin "Marty" Hailey- MD -  Charles Latham, Rocky Leonard,  Bette Miller,  Sheriff Richard Mack, Bob Schneider - AZ -  Kate Powell, Annise Kennedy, Sam Wittstruck (17 yoa), Kenny McPeters,  Suzie Dove,  Weston Lord,  Ken Welty,  Greg Orr  - CA -   Keith Chambers,  Nancy Chambers,  LANA Athey,  Vicki Watson - CO -   Hal Whitmore - DE -  Herb Johnston - NY -   Lonnie Shoultz - AL  -   Jim Pinney,  Carol Pinney,  James E. Brady III (2 yrs. old),  Bill Stafford,  Katie Houser - OH - Joyce Marie Severino - GA  - Larry Lilly & Patti Lilly -TN - Lela Slivar - ZAGREB, CROATIA - Sister Clarice Carroll (83) - HAITI -   RET. COL. Pete Mekkelson -WVA -  CDR USN (Ret) Bob Palmer - WI  Tyler Seddon - RI -  Billie Beckman - MN,  Fr. Jose Reyes, Fr. Maurus Hauer (100 YOA) - IN   David Williams - PA 



GySgt. Daniel West, MSgt. (Ret) Randy Morrow , CAPT. Michael Rice, CAPT. Nick Francona, GySgt. James Walker, CAPT. George Zeigler,  CAPT. Catherine Schmidt Fiancé of Capt. Zeigler)  SSgt. Matt Ross, Alex Boyd, RCT Graydon J. Phillips, CAPT. Levi English,  GySgt. Eric Harmon,  LCPL Archer Abblitt, Maj. Todd A. O'Brien,  MGySgt. '46 - 82 (Ret) Harvey Weigart -  US MARINE CORPS -  Kenneth Thomas - USCG   A1 Elizabeth Chaffon, Cody Barber, Col. Phil Samples, MSgt. Aaron Brown,  MSgt. Rebecca Goodwin, CAPT. Mandie Yates - US AIR FORCE -  Capt. Brian Kriss - TxANG -  Zachary Moore - US NAVAL ACADEMY -  Lt. William Jourdan, CAPT. Robert McLay, Lt. Tommy Brown, Lt. Russell Brown,   CAPT. Wayne Putnam (Ret),  E5 Matthew J. Blaker (and crew of the USS ANZIO),  LT Ethan English,  - US NAVY -  Bud Barnett - USNA 74 -  SSgt. Mike Campagna - SPECIAL FORCES -  MSgt.Michael Strawn, Sgt. Logan McKinzie, Capt. (Fr) Kevin Peek, Maj. Fred W. Tanner, Lt. Col. Robbie Ball, SSgt. Travis McGowan,  Michael B. Hudgens,   Scott Hillyer,  Jeff Schoonover, CWO2 Mitchell Wittstruck,  LT. CLINT LOWRANCE* - US ARMY  - CWO3 Tim Helton and the 1/230 Air Cav Squadron TNANG - All of the men and women presently serving in the United States Military, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 



John Mallory - DEA -  Gary and Cindy Hogman,  Ashtyn Wages and John Paul Tupaz and their families.

*Imprisoned for doing his job 





"Fear is the foundation of most governments."............ JOHN ADAMS 



"I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."................................ BARRY GOLDWATER.



"There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism.........The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin , of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.".....THEODORE ROOSEVELT 



"The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling."............... THOMAS SOWELL                                                         



"An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us!.... Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power.... Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone.  There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us....  Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of the chains of slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."..... PATRICK HENRY






Barack Hussein Obama,  Michelle Obama,  George Soros,  Louis Farrakhan,  Debbie Wasserman Schultz FORMER DNC Chairperson,  Leon Panetta,    Supreme Court Justices - Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, AND John Roberts,  John McCain (R-AZ),  Jeff Flake (R-AZ)  Nancy Pelosi,  Diane Feinstein,  Barbara Boxer,  Hillary Clinton,  Bill Clinton,  Chuck Schumer,   Rahm Emanuel,   Rep. Keith Ellison D-MN,    COLIN POWELL ( R) ,  Michael Moore,   Lindsey Graham,   Al Gore,   Chuck Hagel,  Dick Durbin,   Andrew Cuomo  Sheila Jackson Lee D-TX,   Susan Collins R-ME,  Patrick Leahy,     Eddie Bernice Johnson D-TX,    John Cornyn R-TX,  Mitch McConnell R-KY,   Lisa Murkowski R-AK,   Robert Menendez NJ,  Al Franken D-MN,  Claire McCaskill (D-MO),  Patty Murray WA,  Henry Waxman CA,  Linda Sanchez CA,  Maxine Waters D-CA,  Wendy Davis D-TX,  Elijah Cummings D-MD,  NY Mayor Bill de Blasio,    Rep. Ann Kuster D-NH,   Jerrold Nadler (D-NY),  Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO),    Orin Hatch (R-UT),   Elizabeth Warren (D-MA),  Deval Patrick (D-MA),   Jerry Brown (D-CA),   Julia Pierson,  Rep. Al Green (D-TX),  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), HOWARD DEAN,   Barbara Mikulski (D-MD),   FORMER Attorney General LORETTA LYNCH, Veteran's Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI),   Hank Johnson (D-GA),  Huma Mahmood Abedin,   Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH),  Donna Brazile FORMER DNC CHAIRPERSON,    Anthony Weiner,  CORY BOOKER (D-NJ),  JOHN LEWIS (D-GA),  Sheldon Whitehouse (D-IL),  James Comey FORMER FBI DIRECTOR,  SUSAN RICE, Federal Judge William H. Orrick,  Rep. A. B. Schiff (D-CA),  Former Vice President Al GORE-WELCOME BACK AL,  Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  Tim Kaine (D-VA),  Mark Warner (D-VA),  Amy Klobucher (D-MN), Robert Mueller (Spec. Prosc.),  Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Kamala Harris (D-CA),   Governor Terry McAuliffe (D-VA),  John Kasich (R-OH),  Luis Gutierrez (D- IL).  Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL), John Kasich (R-OH),  John Hickenlooper (D-CO),  Marco Rubio (R-FL),  Rod Rosenstein DOJ  



MSNBC,  ACLU,  Congressional Black Caucus,  NAACP,  Jesse Jackson, AL SHARPTON,  UNITED  NATIONS,   Jane Fonda,  LA RAZA,  MOVEON.ORG,   PETA,  CAIR,   BOB COSTAS (NBC),  The NFL (EVERY OWNER AND FRONT OFFICE PERSON & EVERY PLAYER WHO DOES NOT STAND FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM),  CNN, The Environmental Protection Agency,     Republican National Committee (RNC),   NBC,  CBS,  CNBC, ABC, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, Department of Education, Department of Energy,   NBA, NHL, NOW (National Organization Of Women),  Patricia Ireland,  Planned Parenthood,  Jesse Ventura, Geraldo Rivera FOX News, Juan Williams FOX News, The Washington Redskins Football Team,  James Brown (CBS -NFL Pre-Game). CDC (Center for Disease Control),  Shepard Smith FOX News,   BLACK LIVES MATTER,  THE SIERRA CLUB,  Megyn Kelly NBC,  Quentin Tarantino,  The University of Missouri,   Kirsten Powers FOX News,  Matt Damon (supports seizure of firearms),  Colin Kaepernick - EX-QB San Francisco 49ers, SAN FRANCISCO 49ers for supporting Kaepernick, Austin Goolsby FOX Contributor (D.), Marie Harf FOX Contributor- (D.),  Jorge Ramos FOX Contributor, Maricopa County Sheriff Penzone,  ORGANIZING FOR ACTION (George Soros & Barack Hussein Obama),  Kathy Griffin,  Charles Krauthammer FOX News,  Southern Poverty Law Center, New Black Panther Party, ESPN, ALL NFL PRE-GAME SHOWS






I heard over several news programs this past week that the Europeans are classifying GRAFFITI as "Urban Art."  One must wonder how idiotic a person would have to be to classify the defacing and in many cases the destruction of public and private property as "Art."  The reports said that Greece is probably the European Country which is experiencing the biggest graffiti problem.  I cannot imagine any society viewing the defacing of some of the most beautiful architecture on the planet as any form of "Art."



It is fairly obvious that the idiots who have made this decision have never owned any property that has been defaced by graffiti. I have personally had some rental property defaced by some gang bang bull crap. Fortunately, at the time the City had a policy of allowing prisoners in the city jail work off portions or all of their fines by doing some repainting of graffiti around the city. That was all well and good but those prisoners were not the ones who did the damage.



In my opinion, graffiti is a sure sign of a bunch of tribal bull crap. Most of the gangs view themselves as part of a particular tribe and they, in typical tribal fashion are marking their territory. Of course some just get a charge out of ruining things that belong to others. But most of the gang stuff is a territorial thing. I personally think they should revert back to a more basic way of marking their territory by peeing on the outskirts of their particular piece of real estate. BUT of course European Countries have completely lost their way and have opened their borders to anyone and everyone who wants to enter and are now paying a terrible price for their stupidity. One must wonder when our Congressional Boobs will wake up and get with President Trump's plan of closing the borders to our country to all but LEGAL IMMIGRANTS?

And along these lines I have reached the conclusion that ANYTHING or ANY LEGISLATION that is opposed by Chuck Schumer; Nancy Pelosi; Sheila Jackson Lee; Dick Durbin; Elizabeth Warren; Diane Feinstein; Maxine Waters; Henry Waxman; Eddie Bernice Johnson; or John McCain is pretty much something that I totally support.


I have had more than enough of these "Twinkies" who appear on a myriad of so called news programs on multiple channels and proclaim that Sanctuary Cities are MORE SAFE than those cities which do not claim that idiotic outlook. I have had the lick with these little chipmunk voiced damsels who keep telling us that the Undocumented Immigrants (ILLEGAL ALIENS) all pay taxes and contribute more than they receive. It is fairly obvious to me that anyone who believes that has the IQ of road kill.



I am pretty much ready to cut off financial aid to countries who oppose us at every turn. I think it is time that we DEMAND that government subsidies to failing industries come to a screeching halt. I believe that the entire leadership of the Department of Justice and the F.B.I. and other Federal Law Enforcement Agencies be replaced and take a serious look at criminal acts which may have been perpetrated by those folks.

If the Department of Justice and the F.B.I. don't see what most Americans see as criminal acts by the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Democrat Party as a whole then we need to start over. BUT the incompetence particularly at the top levels MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY.



I am not trying to say that every single thing President Trump says or suggests is completely right but it is a damn sight closer to right than our Congress and our Courts.





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  • Born- April 23, 1937 - Wortham, Texas
  • Moved to Houston, Texas 1942
  • Attended school in Houston-Graduated Lamar High School -1956
  • Attended University of Houston 1956-1957
  • Operated family business 1956-1958. Business sold, 1958
  • Married -1958
  • Houston Police Department 1958-1970
  • Southern Printing Co. 1970
  • Returned to law enforcement with area Sheriff's Dept.
  • 1970-1973
  • Moved to Hobbs, Mexico 1973
  • Hobbs Police Department 1973-1996
  • Attended Mexico Jr. College
  • Instructed Criminal Justice classes at NMJC for 17 years.
  • Retired with rank of Captain from Hobbs PD in 1996
  • 1996 - 2000 -City Commissioner, Hobbs, Mexico-elected
  • 1996 - 2003 - Region VI Drug Task Force
  • 2003 completely retired after 45 years in law enforcement;
  • 17 years teaching at NMJC and various law enforcement academies
  • 2003 moved to San Angelo, Texas
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